What a difference a year makes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I came back to the hobby in March 2023. My initial stash was thin (first pic). Now 14 months later with 14 builds, 946 posts on this forum, and a greatly expanded stash (second pic).
I could not have done it without the help and support of all you folks here. So thank you all. It’s been a fun time and I hope it continues for many more years.


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I came back to the hobby in March 2023. My initial stash was thin (first pic). Now 14 months later with 14 builds, 946 posts on this forum, and a greatly expanded stash (second pic).
I could not have done it without the help and support of all you folks here. So thank you all. It’s been a fun time and I hope it continues for many more years.

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Long may it continue brother. You are going to need another cupboard soon. PM
I came back to the hobby in March 2023. My initial stash was thin (first pic). Now 14 months later with 14 builds, 946 posts on this forum, and a greatly expanded stash (second pic).
I could not have done it without the help and support of all you folks here. So thank you all. It’s been a fun time and I hope it continues for many more years.

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Just thought I would have a look back as well. Photo 1 is July 2023 and photo 2, 3 and 4 is today. Where did all that stuff come from. Pantherman
That's the way it goes in this hobby. I started out determined to keep the stash at 6 or less. Now I laugh at myself when I remember that.
I stopped buying stuff a couple of years back. Even if I continue to build non stop, there's at least a couple of decades in building time. ‍ I will eventually put up some of the kits up for sale that I know I will not get to. I still have more kits in other places in the house.


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I stopped buying stuff a couple of years back. Even if I continue to build non stop, there's at least a couple of decades in building time. ‍ I will eventually put up some of the kits up for sale that I know I will not get to. I still have more kits in other places in the house.

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Wow, I am just a little bit envious..... Great collection. Pantherman
Lol guys, if you think I have a lot you haven’t seen my friend’s incredible humongous 1/72 kit collection of over 3,000 boxed examples and he still buys but only builds a handful a year.
Man... After looking thru everybody's 'stuff' here [and some pretty neat look'n stuff, too] - I honestly had a flashback, to another 'life'. For me, I'd more or less started 'gathering', for-some-where-down-the-road-builds, sometime back in the 80's... Oh sure, I'd build, here-n-there, especially when working nights. As, I packed newly acquired items home, I'd throw them up into the attic space; when they'd filled up my work room and I started tripping over them...
Time passes - Life changes - Stuff happens - And your 'priorities change and/or modify [Mind you, I'd still pickup a kit here and there]. One day, I found myself retired, after 30+ yrs, I thought 'wow, now I can finally start building...'. Oh boy, was that not in the cards!
I suddenly found myself busier, then when, but afew earlier, raising three kids, by myself and working full-time.
Flashforward - The wonderful woman, now my lovely Wife, said we're finding ourselves, a new home. I went to the 'dark-place-above', AND found myself staring stupidly, at over 3000+ models... And said 'what....'.
I spent the next couple of years [about 5], unloading model, after model, after model [my Buddy, the hobbystore owner wouldn't take anymore] and the Goodwill loved me, as did some other places. I finally got the attic emptied and my 'stash' [maybe an obsession] downsized, or so I thought.
Laugh - I honestly thought, I'd be a building away... Ha, ha, on that 'retirement gig'. Now, 6 grandkids later [we won't talk great, here], and another 'move' - This time a state away. I am happily re-designing a 'new' work room [for the umpteenth time], with the 'help' of my 9 yr old Grandson, and it is absolutely fun and amazing!
Yup, downsizing was to some degree, difficult - But, at 70+, am thinking my Grandson's and I can bust out afew kits, and what we can't, they'll inherent [much to the horror of their parents... ha, ha], and life is g-o-o-d!!!
Naw, one can never be to old to enjoy and pursue an interest. And I joined the local 'modelers anonymous', and religiously attend my weekly meetings - To which, my Wife, strongly supports and applauds, my progress, in coping with my plastic addiction.
I did manage to reduce the 'original stash', to more or less 8 large moving boxes and 4-5 bins [it is amazing how many unboxed models, one can jam into a tote]. So, am figuring it's gotta be less then 400 these days...
And 'no', I'll not discuss how-many dollars I gave away. I figure, you got a limited time on this Earth and it is all 'bout those 'priorities'.

So, have fun - Welcome back, into this amazing universe, of model building - And, you, 'newbees', here; you'll find this is an absolutely wonderful group of fellow modeler's and builder's and creator's, within this site. - So welcome! - Ed

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