Hi to you all , just returned to modeling after 45 yr break , yes i,m that old lol .

Tye g

New Member
Sep 5, 2022
I was hoping to get back into it slowly , so i could build my confidence and skills , so i bought myself a modest Revell 1:72 Tornado , so as you do i started my build and to be honest it was not to difficult , but with age comes failing eye sight so bought good old magnifying glass problem solved lol , as it was my birthday a few weeks ago my daughter decided to buy me a present , (how nice lol) in she walks plonks this big box on my lap and no happy birthday or the usual things you say on a birthday , no she just said there you go dad that should keep you quiet for a while , upon opening the box i'm sat there looking at Revell 1:350 scale USS IWO JIMA amphibious assault ship , there goes my gentle start at modeling up in smoke lol . So im now sat here scratching my head looking at this monster in a box and wondering where to start lol , so any tips ,advice would greatly be appreciated , i have found out that quality and complexity of models have changed so much from the 1970s when i was last making Airfix models , the added benifits of age and living on my own mean no pesky kids running around and no wife to move stuff around when they think its an eyesore lol so i now have my model out in my bedroom , work space set how I WANT IT and only myself to blame when some tiny part has gone AWOL lol
Anyway all the best to you all
hope to hear from you all
I was hoping to get back into it slowly , so i could build my confidence and skills , so i bought myself a modest Revell 1:72 Tornado , so as you do i started my build and to be honest it was not to difficult , but with age comes failing eye sight so bought good old magnifying glass problem solved lol , as it was my birthday a few weeks ago my daughter decided to buy me a present , (how nice lol) in she walks plonks this big box on my lap and no happy birthday or the usual things you say on a birthday , no she just said there you go dad that should keep you quiet for a while , upon opening the box i'm sat there looking at Revell 1:350 scale USS IWO JIMA amphibious assault ship , there goes my gentle start at modeling up in smoke lol . So im now sat here scratching my head looking at this monster in a box and wondering where to start lol , so any tips ,advice would greatly be appreciated , i have found out that quality and complexity of models have changed so much from the 1970s when i was last making Airfix models , the added benifits of age and living on my own mean no pesky kids running around and no wife to move stuff around when they think its an eyesore lol so i now have my model out in my bedroom , work space set how I WANT IT and only myself to blame when some tiny part has gone AWOL lol
Anyway all the best to you all
hope to hear from you all
Welcome, love to see progress photos as you build.
Ok so i have a question i have bought all the recommended Revell paints for my ship , but after using a few i found them to be very watery more like a wash paint , someone said that acrylic is the way to go , but i have looked online to find a conversion chart ,so i can get the same colours , or as close as possible , but i cannot find any .
Do any of you good people have a preferred brand , also is acrylic the right way to go ?, as i said in my opening post just back after 45 yrs away from modelling , so i know very little about whats good or bad these days any help advice would be greatly appreciated
all the best
Make sure you mix them well .
You might need to stir them since shaking may not be enough .

Are you using an airbrush ?
If so ,
I'd recommend the Tamiya acrylics or the AK Real Colors , they are both " lacquer acrylics "
The type of acrylic resin used in the paint determines the type of vehicle used and the type of thinners ( reducers ) that are compatible .
The " lacquer acrylics " can be thinned with alcohols and conventional lacquer thinners that you are familiar with that contain alcohol , acetone , butanol etc .
Acrylic resins that are not listed as " lacquer " will gum up if exposed to alcohols and ketones .

There are many , many different hobby paints available today and people have their preference like everything else .
The " water base " acrylics are generally preferred for brush application . -- but can of course be applied via airbrush .

Tamiya ---> https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...u=1&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&man=TAM

AK Real Colors --- > https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...104&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&man=AKI

There are also many sets for specific subjects available : https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...t=1&u=2&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&p=1
Welcome, love to see progress photos as you build.
Will certainly share photo's with the forum once i have something to show lol atm that's a long way off , still trying to get my head around what has to be done lol
All the best
Make sure you mix them well .
You might need to stir them since shaking may not be enough .

Are you using an airbrush ?
If so ,
I'd recommend the Tamiya acrylics or the AK Real Colors , they are both " lacquer acrylics "
The type of acrylic resin used in the paint determines the type of vehicle used and the type of thinners ( reducers ) that are compatible .
The " lacquer acrylics " can be thinned with alcohols and conventional lacquer thinners that you are familiar with that contain alcohol , acetone , butanol etc .
Acrylic resins that are not listed as " lacquer " will gum up if exposed to alcohols and ketones .

There are many , many different hobby paints available today and people have their preference like everything else .
The " water base " acrylics are generally preferred for brush application . -- but can of course be applied via airbrush .

Tamiya ---> https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...u=1&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&man=TAM

AK Real Colors --- > https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...104&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&man=AKI

There are also many sets for specific subjects available : https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catag...t=1&u=2&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber_a&so=d&p=1
Thank you for the info at the moment i am using a brush , but i do have a small airbrush which i was thinking of using on the larger bits hull , deck etc plus i am not that confident with it yet but will try practice on old model i have from years ago , as for the Revell paints i have shook them , stired them and still seems to come out more like a wash ,one colour i used i had to put 6 coats on the part before it looked anywhere near decent , so i will try those links you sent and let you know how i go once agin thank you for the help
All the best
For Airbrush I think Tamiya are my favorite.

They go on so nice with just a bit of their airbrush thinner and are easy to clean up

Second favorite is Vallejo Model Air. They have nice color sets geared towards certain subjects like modern navy or airforce etc...

The plus for me is that my local hobby lobby and game shop both carry Vallejo paints

For Painting with brush, I also like the regular Vallejo as well as Privateer Press P3

easy to paint and hide the brush strokes

You can also thin them for the airbrush with the Vallejo thinner
Ok so i have a question i have bought all the recommended Revell paints for my ship , but after using a few i found them to be very watery more like a wash paint , someone said that acrylic is the way to go , but i have looked online to find a conversion chart ,so i can get the same colours , or as close as possible , but i cannot find any .
Do any of you good people have a preferred brand , also is acrylic the right way to go ?, as i said in my opening post just back after 45 yrs away from modelling , so i know very little about whats good or bad these days any help advice would be greatly appreciated
all the best
I'm fairly new to all of this but have found vallejo paint very good with no issues so far both hand painted and airbrush. Must admit I was ok with hand painting but once I started using the airbrush there was no going back, I love it.
Welcome back to the hobby, Tye, and welcome to the Herd!

As far as paints go, first, pay close attention to Momo's explanation of "acrylic". Many people think "acrylic" and "water-soluable" or "water-based" are synonymous, but as he describes, they're not.

Having said that, water-based acrylics can be easy to work with, because they can be thinned and cleaned up with water or isopropyl. They tend to dry quickly, too. I use some water-based acrylics, especially for painting by hand: Andrea, Vallejo Model Color, LifeColor, and "craft store" brands like Americana, Folk Art, and Apple Barrel ("craft store", because they're generally sold at arts & crafts stores like Michael's or HobbyLobby, or in department stores like WalMart). I use them with a wet palette, which consists of an air-tight container, a sponge, and a permeable paper as the actual palette. The wet palette ensures that my paints are thinned consistently, and it lets me use a batch of colors over several sessions. I have a commercially available wet palette, from RedGrass Games, but I started out with a homemade one, made from a takeout container, a kitchen sponge, and brown packaging paper.

I also use Tamiya acrylics, which are lacquer-based, as Momo noted, and I use Tamiya's proprietary thinner with them. Properly thinned, they can be applied by hand as easily as water-based acrylics. And they airbrush well; I've read that they are formulated to be airbrushed, in any case. Again, I use Tamiya's proprietary thinner for airbrushing, though you can use lacquer thinner, too. Lacquer thinner has the effect of making a flat finish absolutely dead-flat matte.

Besides those types of acrylics, I have enamels, lacquers, and oils, of various brands. My enamels are all thinned with mineral spirits for best use, as are my oils (Schminke-Mussini). The lacquers thinned with lacquer thinner. I use generic lacquer thinner from an automotive supply store. Same goes for mineral spirits-I just buy cans of it at the hardware store.

As far as which type and brand of paint is best is concerned, there will be as many answers as there are modelers and painters. For someone starting back into the hobby, such as yourself, you might find an advantage in using products like AK, or other brands which offer colors in sets-"US Army ETO 1944", "Red Army 1945", or the fantasy wargame brands, because the products are organized to give consistent results, especially for beginners. Personally, though, I don't use them, because I've learned over the years how to make my own washes, weather powders, mix colors, etc, and I enjoy doing that myself.

Anyway, welcome back, and I look forward to seeing your work!

Best regards,
Welcome back! I just started during the pandemic. This is a very supportive community. I love this hobby. Post photos.
Welcome, age is nothing really as at 62 i have some joint pains and cheap reading glasses bring clarity to the eyes. Finger pain, I just blame the thumps from firing the SLR in the army as it always is my wrist that gets a bit tight, which then spreads to the fingers.
I have found that 10 to 15 hours sat at my bench is no longer possible, so you just walk away every few hours and look at things at greater distance relaxes the eyes.

I'm only a short trip visitor at the moment as my wife if partway through nasty old Chemotherapy, so she comes first.

I am always happy to help a fellow along the modellers pathway, when around.

Just please learn to identify a Panzer 5, Panther Tank Somebody will clue you in. Most of all have Fun, this a wonderful site for friendly advice and help, NOT pretentious experten like some are, after all it's a hobby we share.

Welcome, age is nothing really as at 62 i have some joint pains and cheap reading glasses bring clarity to the eyes. Finger pain, I just blame the thumps from firing the SLR in the army as it always is my wrist that gets a bit tight, which then spreads to the fingers.
I have found that 10 to 15 hours sat at my bench is no longer possible, so you just walk away every few hours and look at things at greater distance relaxes the eyes.

I'm only a short trip visitor at the moment as my wife if partway through nasty old Chemotherapy, so she comes first.

I am always happy to help a fellow along the modellers pathway, when around.

Just please learn to identify a Panzer 5, Panther Tank Somebody will clue you in. Most of all have Fun, this a wonderful site for friendly advice and help, NOT pretentious experten like some are, after all it's a hobby we share.

Hi John, I am working on a special project just for you. Something to look forward to, it will be worth the wait!!!!
Don't tell me it's a panzer 2 3,4,5,6 Fantasy Panther assault vehicle with nuclear oojamaflips and pink candy floss Camo with marshmallow protected whatkamacallits. Oops ruined the surprise?
Don't tell me it's a panzer 2 3,4,5,6 Fantasy Panther assault vehicle with nuclear oojamaflips and pink candy floss Camo with marshmallow protected whatkamacallits. Oops ruined the surprise?
Easy tiger, or should that be easy panther!!
Patience is a virtue. Your like a kid at Xmas.
Hi John, I am working on a special project just for you. Something to look forward to, it will be worth the wait!!!!

Welcome, age is nothing really as at 62 i have some joint pains and cheap reading glasses bring clarity to the eyes. Finger pain, I just blame the thumps from firing the SLR in the army as it always is my wrist that gets a bit tight, which then spreads to the fingers.
I have found that 10 to 15 hours sat at my bench is no longer possible, so you just walk away every few hours and look at things at greater distance relaxes the eyes.

I'm only a short trip visitor at the moment as my wife if partway through nasty old Chemotherapy, so she comes first.

I am always happy to help a fellow along the modellers pathway, when around.

Just please learn to identify a Panzer 5, Panther Tank Somebody will clue you in. Most of all have Fun, this a wonderful site for friendly advice and help, NOT pretentious experten like some are, after all it's a hobby we share.

Hi John ,
Thanks for the welcome ,and advice regarding reading glasses , i have had to upgrade to mag glasses over my reading glasses , maybe work my way upto bino's next haha as for fingers wrists etc we are both in same boat , i spent hours on ranges and exersize lumping my good old trusty SLR around until some kind B>>>t>>d decided the was not heavy enough for me ,and gave me the SMG with good old 84mm lol ,so i know the pain your in mate ,
sorry to read about your wife's health problems you would think with todays advancements in medicine they would be able to cure the big C by now , i hope she makes a full recovery John .
As for tank you are talking to the uneducated here mate lol only tank i ever encountered was a bloody great chieftan in middle of gruneavald forrest Berlin and i only saw it because i ran smack bang into the side of it in middle of the night lmao next thing i knew i was waking up in Berlin BMH with a very saw head lol .

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