Looks really good. You can see the cold on this scene. The figures and the tank are perfect arranged. this year i also had one with wintercamo
i do it with a 3color base (brown, sand-yellow and green). paint this colors in the german DREIFARBTARNUNG.
Then i do all the weathering, after this i washed the whole tank with a white wash (IPA-water-color) now cleaned it with a towel after i let it dry for a few minutes. then i used Snow from WOODLAND SCENICS and white/dust pigments to give it more plasticity. The antennas are build by myself cause it was commisioned work and the customer want to have a FUNKBEFAHLSFAHRZEUG. I dont want to do because the Pz. IV H were never used for these purposes only the J line was used as FBF. But was his joice so he get it. the figures are not the best ones but they are ok i think.