'64 1/2 Mustang convertible - Monogram

That's all I can sands, I can't sands no more! Do I bother using polish at this point? I still going to try a thinned Tamiya clear. Tryin' to keep my eye on the shine. I won't quit til I get that squeak. It's come a long way if you flip back a few pages. I'm amazed I didn't burn through the stripes. It's those darn ridges that can build up along the tapes edge that started my gloss finish faux pas. I should have dealt with that issue first. Time to put this clear coat catastrophe in the rearview.





That's all I can sands, I can't sands no more! Do I bother using polish at this point? I still going to try a thinned Tamiya clear. Tryin' to keep my eye on the shine. I won't quit til I get that squeak. It's come a long way if you flip back a few pages. I'm amazed I didn't burn through the stripes. It's those darn ridges that can build up along the tapes edge that started my gloss finish faux pas. I should have dealt with that issue first. Time to put this clear coat catastrophe in the rearview.

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Looking shiny to me. Pantherman
Test fitting interior tub. Check.
Can't tell from pics but tub fits fine. I wish the carpet were blacker and the column gauges clearer.

I went with a Gopher Racing pre wired distributor. First time using add on. Came out Ok. I was over cautious when trimming so the cables might be too long.20240114_210241.jpg
Still deciding on whether to strip the chrome plating. The kit came with no clear lenses for the tail lights. Any suggestions on detailing these?
Another query. Install windshield before or after BMF on the frame?
And how do you handle the inside of the window frame?
I repaired as best I could. I burned through the top coat in a couple spots. I went to clear coat once more and found I must have got a little paint in the clear medium. There's a bit of flecked appearance now. I'll live. I have to finish, been on this one too long. I'll admit I'm getting a bit frustrated by trying to do TOO much. I should take the small wins and move on.
Whatever you do... don't mess up om the clear parts. :(


I first started with BMF which I've had success with in the past. But my foil was really old and would not stick and my knife would not cut an even line. I managed to get some on and then went over it
with a chrome pen. It actually looked passable to me. I gave it a light coat of Future and said goodnight.

The windshield and wing windows is one piece. It did not fit snug in the frame at all. So, of course, while trying to hold it firmly in place I managed to get glue all over the part. Also major blemishes on the frame. BooHoo.
With a little TLC the windshield lives...ish. I thought about peeling off the bad BMF/Chrome pen job but I will take as a learning experience.
Tub and frame in pretty nice. I think stance is good.

Don't look at the tops. I am always experimenting. I'll probably never show the top closed.
In all my top coat woes I neglected the front and rear body parts. I got too aggressive when wet sanding a clear coat mess and never went back to fix. Life will go on.



The bumpers will hide most of that.

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