Tamiya F4U-1A in 1/32


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2024
New forum member here, I need to report a self-inflicted problem and ask for advice.

I bought the -1A version of this kit (not the birdcage or -1D) and it is my first ever attempt at the large format kits from Tamiya. Overall I think this kit was a steal at $130-USD, the precision is beyond anything I've ever seen!

So, what is the problem? I decided to build with wings folded, I chose that because I do not see it done often, plus the kit's detail in those wing breaks is pretty damn cool. Plus the finished model (huge by my standards) would not occupy as much space and dominate my collection of 1/48 specimens. The problem is I decided previously to build the USMC version instead of the USN, which means no tail-hook.


Would Marines, on land bases ever have folded the wings? I'm sure it happened before but would not be "normal" right? I'm well beyond finished but I'm afraid I've no way of changing my mind and think I need to just push forward and not worry about it. What are your thoughts? Can I back up, remove all the little parts, levers, push-rods, hydraulics and put the wings down? The inner part of the wings are glued, so those "spars" would be really hard to get out without major damage. I think I need to get over it, but wanting other opinions.

Since I thin posts with pics are better than those without, here's a craptastic cell phone shot :)

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I'm only here to add some pics of the progress. I did post a question about the correct Navy Blue to use here. (https://www.scalemodeladdict.com/threads/tamiya-paint-question-xf-17-xf-8.15529/)

This is a coat of sliver enamel on top of primer for chipping.
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These are later, as I add color...
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That's a great start! More pics as you go please I love it. I'm very interested in how that chipping goes. Those planes are gorgeous. They had a World War II airplane air race here south of Phoenix back in the 90s. We all watched the Corsair as it started smoking a little bit and then it caught on fire and the pilot flew it away from the crowd but when he jumped out of the cockpit he got tangled up in the tail for a Split Second. Broke his arm or his leg and a couple ribs. But he lived. I have a videotape of it going down somewhere in this house. But I don't think I have a VCR anymore. LOL
They all have tail hooks, even the Marines version because it's not uncommon they land on aircraft carriers

Tamiya does offer two options of extended and folded wings. Besides Tamiya is bulletproof either way. I do agree not often we see folded wings on any WW2 aircraft kits. At least it's not God awful as the old Revell vintage Baa Baa Black Sheep kit. That kit builds up to actually fold the wings up and extended. I did that kit as a kid. Boy, I tell ya… it was a hot mess building that kit LOL!
I wouldn't change the wings up . Sounds gruesome .
Show off all that detail .
Unless you're planning on it being in some historically accurate diorama , it's art .
Wow… you not too encouraging. LOL! Why not? It's art either way folded or extended. He don't need no diorama….
More pics huh? I'm making progress, two steps forward one back, you know. My biggest two issues are learning to use paint other than Testors or Humbrol brand, and these new glues that come in bottles with a brush.

Base is 1500 finisher in black, with some Testors bright silver on top for chipping. There's a pic further up of that stage, and it was a significant mistake to not have more silver underneath the topcoats. Then did a mottling undercoat of white with a tiny bit of tan.


I made up my own dark blue, I feel that (in bright light) it is a little too light, but it is better than using the spray can as Tamiya says or using XF-17 which is midnight blue. The white and light blue are straight from the bottle, but sprayed really thin.

My initial attempt at chipping, tried to stay small so I could add if needed, going back would be hard. In the end I found myself chipping on areas that did not have silver, so I exposed the black finisher...grrrr.

Here it is after more scrubbing. I used hairspray under the acrylic, but peeling off the blue was harder than I expected, so I left brush marks in some areas. I will be able to hide those with topcoats later (I hope).

After Getting all the scratches on I did an enamel glosscoat to get ready for oil washes and decals.

I really enjoy the washes! It is a little hard to see in this shot but the panel lines on the white were done in medium blue before getting some "grime" into the mix. The mud splatters came out bad, think my paint was too thin, but I brushed it away and will do dirt/mud splatters later. The dark blue got some of the brown wash, but also some dark green, I think black is too strong.

Decals underway! Does anyone apply every one of those? There are hundreds of tiny little words, guess I'm just not used to these large 1/32 kits but I'm tapping out on that. I did add some darkness to the white of the insignias to tone down the intensity, but in these pics it looks like I could use some more.

I'm working on the propeller now.
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They all have tail hooks, even the Marines version because it's not uncommon they land on aircraft carriers
Is that true even for the -1A version?

According to the destructions from Tamiya (step #39); option "A" (USN) gets the hook, while options "B" & "C" (USMC) do not. Are you thinking of the later versions like -1C or -4?
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Here's the prop, 1st attempt, not unhappy with it overall and particularly happy with the hub.

So I masked it for the yellow tips, decals seems like a terribad idea, did not even try. But, new to the medium and techniques I underestimated the strength of Tamiya tape when using on top of acrylic with hairspray under that. Remember, I'm used to thick and bulletproof enamels? Anyway, you can see the clear line where the tape pulled the black off.

But based on many photos I've seen of what props looked like after a few months in the South Pacific, I'm okay with this.

I think the weathering is very realistic looking, great work.

There is a local air show here every year, I always go. They fly a mix of modern and vintage. WWII aircraft are my favorite, and they always have many P51s. In 2014 they flew F4U and a P38. The only year seeing them.
The pics are me taking a photo with my phone of my computer screen, best I can do.. .17171253827444887609539787898606.jpg17171254588696416993988807501133.jpg17171255092934104200964826672648.jpg1717125633752394028307730497788.jpg1717125746638417597685559606748.jpg1717125835804977890171126391419.jpg
The Corsair made that year my favorite show to see.
Those pics are awesome, thanks for sharing them Kevin!

Getting close (enough to be thinking of the next victim, err kit), maybe another week to finish, the last remaining parts are sometimes the worst, I did learn long ago to walk away if frustration rises.

Here's the finished prop, and a test fit of the wing braces, a surprisingly fiddly bit considering they are not tiny. I do understand why so few kits I see online have the wings up, but I wanted to be different and save space in the cabinet.

The model is looking great.......
My pleasure posting those pics. Once I saw your build thread it reminded me of those pics from 2014. The Corsair has always been one of my favorite aircraft, it was a thrill to be that close to one.
A few more from that show....17171946359801060081204805750875.jpg17171946878913008612662045811534.jpg17171947401147866995660506056230.jpg1717194790527419939415346110202.jpg17171948764426651190236719284299.jpg17171950183628631684889449436735.jpg17171950686979005515029067987964.jpg
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

Seriously tho...

It is my humble opinion that every red-blooded American male must take a young boy to an airshow.

You could be the uncle, the father, the grandpa or a trusted neighbor. It might not have the same impact on every kid, but being along the flight-line when the Thunderbirds/Blue-Angels or just a little old twin-engine B-25 you show fly past within 1,000 yards (feels like 200 ft.) at full throttle...and that kid feel the vibration in their heart/spine... that will NEVER leave them, and they will always remember you!

Sorry, think I need a tissue.
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

Seriously tho...

It is my humble opinion that every red-blooded American male must take a young boy to an airshow.

You could be the uncle, the father, the grandpa or a trusted neighbor. It might not have the same impact on every kid, but being along the flight-line when the Thunderbirds/Blue-Angels or just a little old twin-engine B-25 you show fly past within 1,000 yards (feels like 200 ft.) at full throttle...and that kid feel the vibration in their heart/spine... that will NEVER leave them, and they will always remember you!

Sorry, think I need a tissue.
Funny you should post that. My wife and I took our 5 yr. old grandson to the airshow in San Antonio two years ago. He got to see the Tora,Tora,Tora, the F35, the Jet Truck, the C117, the Thunderbirds and a ton of static displays. He liked it A LOT. What young boy wouldn't. Hell, what old man (like me) wouldn't enjoy it?
Yes. I took my son to Luke days and he loved it. He was like seven I think and we stood right behind the P-51 as it warmed up. Great times. And I know what you're saying about the feeling in your chest and the awesomeness of it all. I remember sitting on the banks of the Maumee River probably 8 years old we went there every year and they had a barge out in the middle loaded up with fireworks. And those things would Boom for at least an hour and a half and my God how can you not be patriotic as you're feeling those deep thumps? And then the Liberals came along...
ya, nothing good happens when they show up........... although I'm happy to report one of my liberal neighbors flew the California state flag upside down right under the stars and stripes (right side up) on his flagpole this past Memorial Day weekend......
Heh… the liberal Democrats thinks the Trump verdict will make Biden be president for a second term. The guilty verdict only made him stronger a chance to win the Election come this November. I can guarantee it will be a bloody election year for the Democrats. They just don't know it yet. We will see Trump back in the White House. I'm so fed up and tired with the woke/cancel culture BS. Not to mention the far left alphabet soup group being radical with their thinking and ideals. They are a total mental cases. I can guarantee Ukraine/Russian war and the Pro-Palestinian protests will end. Don't they realize they're spouting hate against the Jews by supporting a terrorist group, Hamas? Hamas is the reason many Palestians died because they held their own people hostage in the first place. I guess they're too stupid, blind and in denial to see that.

That judge presided at the trial is a partisan and too political motivated to make sure Trump does not get elected.
If that isn't election tampering and meddling, I don't know what it is in their eyes. Do they want to be called the kettle or the pot black?

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