1/16 Stug III Ausf.G

I calling this project done. The more I look at it the more I can see to do, but I don't want to overdo it. Hard for me to decide if I crossed that line or not.
Looking forward to the next model....gonna continue with 1/16 German armour.17216767943974393266455189769733.jpg17216768817406439362902155515085.jpg17216769379864144092009500697955.jpg17216770158878194422104367236962.jpg17216770521653614219965466021924.jpg
The polish on the breach is perfect! I'd add a colored tip to the warheads, but I go nothing else.

A really nice piece you have there, and watching it made me want to try the huge scale, but space (storage/display) is an issue. Maybe a Renault FT or Panzer-I...hmmm.
Thanks everybody. I enjoyed having a thread as I worked, wasn't sure I would at first. I like this forum and will do another thread on the next build.
Shout out to Down Time for letting me know about this place!

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