Retro smells

I saw this online., and thought it is hilarious.

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Is this some kinda old-school " don't do drugs , kids " .

There's even more going on in the ghost image beneath it .
Plus , it looks like that glue tube needs the kid to walk upright since it's legs are off center .
Some codependency undertones .

...and the balloons being the same color as the glue-dude .
more and more disturbing symbolism upon further examination
So is that her saying that ?
Like she asked for extra gravy and she got thrown off the roof ?

in the unrelated related unrelated , how long does it take to cocoon someone with all that ?
I think the husband is expecting her to make dinner. LOL
That broke-up woman is married ?
How'd that happen ?

... so this after the wedding , yeah ?
Does that glue-tube demon have a driver's license ?
I want to know where they're headed .
Ya know ,
on this olfactory topic ,
I lost my entire sense of smell for about a year after running my brain cradle into a bunch of steel while on my mountain bike going like , uh , really fast .
The worst thing wasn't the loss of smell , it was the phantom " smells "
I called it " alien potpourri "
Very metallic with a hint of " hey , this is super annoying "

One of my clients had the same thing happen to him after being thrown from a horse .
We never discussed the idiosyncrasies of each of our conditions , haha , but I know he said his sense of smell came back after 3 months I think .
Mine took almost a year to " normalize "
My sister's boyfriend at the time was a neurologist and said I'd probably never get it back .

Go get your money back you spent on that degree , dude-whatever-your-name-was !
Ya know ,
on this olfactory topic ,
I lost my entire sense of smell for about a year after running my brain cradle into a bunch of steel while on my mountain bike going like , uh , really fast .
The worst thing wasn't the loss of smell , it was the phantom " smells "
I called it " alien potpourri "
Very metallic with a hint of " hey , this is super annoying "

One of my clients had the same thing happen to him after being thrown from a horse .
We never discussed the idiosyncrasies of each of our conditions , haha , but I know he said his sense of smell came back after 3 months I think .
Mine took almost a year to " normalize "
My sister's boyfriend at the time was a neurologist and said I'd probably never get it back .

Go get your money back you spent on that degree , dude-whatever-your-name-was !
The brain is so amazing. I guess a brain trauma to any portion can disrupt a sense.
I have a buddy who had covid and never regained his sense of smell.

You're free of the glue monster!
Ha ha no .
I'm fortunately not free of the glue monster .
Although for a year I couldn't work around gas systems without someone else with me because I definitely couldn't detect that mercaptan .

I remember the very first time my nose came back online .
Vinegar .
In my kitchen here .
I could smell it and it surprised me .
But , it didn't smell like vinegar , I could just detect " something "
I think it was over a year before that happened .
Maybe a year and a half .
That entire system was out of commission for a long time ,, but that crew that works in my skull did a great job of getting everything restored .
We need to have an award ceremony for all of them before I die !

According to that neurologist , there is evidently a major pathway that carries all that data and I hit that plumbing dead-center .
I assume that's why he believed I wouldn't get much back .

I don't understand how that COVID end works , since it's not mechanical destruction -- or maybe it is but just biological , but I've heard about that for sure .
It's definitely a thing .
Ha ha no .
I'm fortunately not free of the glue monster .
Although for a year I couldn't work around gas systems without someone else with me because I definitely couldn't detect that mercaptan .

I remember the very first time my nose came back online .
Vinegar .
In my kitchen here .
I could smell it and it surprised me .
But , it didn't smell like vinegar , I could just detect " something "
I think it was over a year before that happened .
Maybe a year and a half .
That entire system was out of commission for a long time ,, but that crew that works in my skull did a great job of getting everything restored .
We need to have an award ceremony for all of them before I die !

According to that neurologist , there is evidently a major pathway that carries all that data and I hit that plumbing dead-center .
I assume that's why he believed I wouldn't get much back .

I don't understand how that COVID end works , since it's not mechanical destruction -- or maybe it is but just biological , but I've heard about that for sure .
It's definitely a thing .
Not being able to smell the gas was dangerous, indeed.
It seems that COVID can attack any, some, or all of our senses.
Yes , indeed , from what I've read .
My sister , now retired from Texas Children's , worked with so many doctors -- never married one , haha , married different dudes ( neither of which I liked , but , yeah who cares )
But I was exposed to these people and it should be obvious now that I interrogated them ( lulz )

I'm interested , extremely . in all of this .
My background is engineering -- electrical / mechanical , certainly not any of this biologic realm .

This loss of smell is quite common , and very interesting .
I know most people think this is a rare event , but it is not . It can happen via kinetic events or biologic evolutions .

After discussing this with all kinds of people , it's quite common .
So let's get back to your original post .

I think that is a frame from an old-school animation .
The ghost image behind it is the remnants of the original frame , faded into what we see now as the primary
Is this some kinda old-school " don't do drugs , kids " .

There's even more going on in the ghost image beneath it .
Plus , it looks like that glue tube needs the kid to walk upright since it's legs are off center .
Some codependency undertones .

...and the balloons being the same color as the glue-dude .
more and more disturbing symbolism upon further examination
The ghosting you're seeing is images on backside of a magazine(?) page.

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