German / Italian Topolino


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Sep 4, 2022
Another little vehicle for the Italian collection, I may give it the Regio Esercito treatment, rather than the DAK.


That be soooo tiny!


I know what you're thinking: "that's not a model, why its hardly even an appetizer!"

Let's see if we can't just make it tasty!

I built the Tamiya equivalent (the Simca 5 — IRL that was a licence-produced Topolino) about a year ago, and it is indeed a very small model :) It'll be interesting to see how this kit differs from the Tamiya one. Opening doors for one.
Bath time!
I've tried with and without, just sayin'.

Water, a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, a little heat, sonic shake 'em up...


Then a rinse, air dry.

Yup, and good for cleaning rings, chains and cutlery!
Now comes the hard part.
And I haven't even started.

I bought the kit on an impulse... saw the DAK on the cover, desert colours, softskin.
Check, Check, Check.

But it doesn't have the sun roof! :( and I'd rather it be in Italian hands, I mean it was the Italian 'Fix It Again Tony' company after all... (I know, I know, that joke now geriatric)

I feel like a surgeon: "We could operate, Mr. Barley, but the chances of you coming out alive are fairly slim"
He shoots, he scores! Now for the fun part, cut.
I only the internal stresses in that roof don't cause it to warp outta shape when I gut it!

After tracing the etched groove for an eternity, and hilighting with a water-based micro pigment pen because I need to see!, out comes my favourite little saw.
... the first cut is the deepest...
... and we're through!

Who says modeling isn't exactly a high intensity sport that will make you sweat buckets!

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