M2 half-track car in the Philippines, 1942


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2024
A few years ago, I bought a Dragon M2 halftrack kit second-hand, which the original owner had already started building. He hadn't got too far, though:


He had put together the chassis with the engine and removed a few other parts from the sprue, painted the engine and radiator, and that was it. It took me a year and a half, I think, before I decided to pull this kit out and build it, which I started doing in late 2023 … Since it's now February of 2025, you can probably tell already that it also stalled for me for a while :) Anyway, I took the photo above after I put together the axles, sprockets, idlers and tracks.

After some thought, I assembled the suspension in a way that would allow me to remove the main components from the model so I could paint them separately:


The bogie has the return roller on it, but not the roadwheels, which can click into place between the suspension arms. I also left the sprockets, idlers and tracks loose from the model, though I did later glue the bogies to the chassis. You can see in the photo that I added a little round ring on the side of the bogies (there's another one on the opposite side of this bogie), which I made by glueing a little disc there, that I had made with a punch-and-die set, and then drilling through it. The reason is that the real bogies usually had a hole there on both sides, which Dragon missed.

As I mentioned elsewhere on this forum, the Dragon kit really only provides for a later vehicle (ca. 1943 onward), because there are compensating springs for the idler that weren't on initial vehicles. Removing them is easy enough by cutting off and filling their locating points, and also adding a bit of plastic rod to the idler mounts D31 so that the adjustment screws A15 and A16 reach them:


Small aside here: don't waste your money on Kagero "Topdrawings" books. I had purchased their Armored Personnel Carrier M2/M3/M4 Half-Track book (No. 7084), thinking it would be useful for this model. At first sight, the drawings are quite good. Until you do something like this:


:( The height of the engine cover is correct, but all kinds of other dimensions are not. When you then start looking more closely, you'll spot numerous other mistakes that result from sloppy work by the author and/or publisher. For example, all of the M2 and M3 halftracks in the book have a banjo front axle — when the real ones had a split axle there, and only had a banjo axle for the drive sprockets (M5-series halftracks did have a banjo front axle, though). You can also see that they drew them with jerrycan mounts first, and then deleted those for the variants that don't have them — without then drawing the screws that are covered by the jerrycans! There's plenty more detail errors like these that you would not expect in a book that pretends to deliver "top drawings". Oh, and there is no M4 halftrack in the book at all despite it being mentioned on the front cover …

Anyway, I had to remove the jerrycans mounts from the cab (which is why I noticed the missing screws in the drawings) because early halftracks didn't have those:


Top as moulded, bottom with the mount removed and the hole filled. This is fairly delicate work if you don't want to obliterate the detail, and I couldn't do with without taking off some of the screws, so I had to reinstate those later with 0.5 mm discs made with my punch-and-die set. By the way, even if you want to build a halftrack with jerrycans, you would do well to remove the mounts because on the real thing, these were made from a single plate of steel that was simply bent at (nearly) right angles to fit against the side of the cab. The top and bottom were completely open, which the kit totally fails to capture, but which is very obvious on a model viewed from above.

On the front, I added the roller rather than the winch, again because the winch was only used on later halftracks:


I also cut away the moulded-on springs and replaced them with some copper wire around a bit of plastic rod.

The cab was built mostly per the instructions, though I replaced the moulded-on pedals with some plastic strip and the gearshift lever by a new one bend from brass rod:


In hindsight, there's no real need to bother with the pedals because you can hardly see them. The gearshift lever, though, is clearly wrong in the kit: it only has two bends, when the real one has three.

And the rear area:


The olive drab paint is because that part will be covered by the machine-gun skate rail, so I've painted it already to ensure there won't be any grey plastic visible after spraying. I've also left off all the seats that I can, to make painting them easier later. On the right-hand stowage bin, I've left off the lid so I can pose it open; for that, I've built a new lid of thin plastic card and strip, but it's not fitted here yet. The one on the left has had plastic strip added around its lid, because Dragon's parts are simply flat and lie on top of the bins, when the real thing had a slight lip around the edge of the lid.

This said, those bins are a great failure on Dragon's part: they mould shelves inside, but there's no way to display any of the bins open! On the M2 and M4 halftrack, the top of the bins opens and there's a hatch in the side of the vehicle to access them from outside. The lids are single parts that incorporate both the fixed and the movable sections, while the hatches are moulded as part of the side armour :( Luckily, this kit has individual side panels for the M2 and the M2A1 variants, so if you want the outer hatch open, you can cut an opening into one and the hatch out of the other — but that should not have been necessary, had Dragon done slightly better design work.

And here is the machine-gun skate rail:


I added some thing plastic strip around the bottom edge (minus a little section that still needed to be done, because the strip was just too short), and after taking the photo, added a second one along the top edge. This because on the real vehicle, those raised lips are very visible, but again, Dragon didn't bother trying to add them.

All of the main parts assembled:


If I'm not mistaken, I've glued the cab, load bed and skate rail together here, and placed them loose on the chassis. (I know that last bit for a fact, but I'm not sure anymore which of the other parts are already glued here :) )
Because early US halftracks had a different style of front wheel, I bought a Panzer Art set of such wheels intended for the M3A1 scout car, whose front end is almost identical with that of the M2 and M3 halftracks. As you might expect, of course, they aren't a simple drop-in replacement …


On the left is a Dragon wheel, which is wrong for the halftrack anyway because it has a flat on it. While a lot of modellers go out of their way to add that to vehicles, please point out to me where the flat is on the real vehicle?


Anyway, the resin Panzer Art wheels are circular like they should be, and have the correct early pattern of tread. I had to modify the brake drums to fit inside them, however, as the photo of the kit parts shows. Basically, I sawed off the front face and opened up the hole slightly to fit over the lug inside the Panzer Art wheel. On the outside, I carved off the retaining ring that were moulded onto them and enlarged the openings so they went all the way to the rim, because early halftracks again didn't have that ring either. I also had to change the hub because the halftracks' is different from that of the scout car:


Here's an overall view with the wheels and tracks on, as well as the new lid for the right-hand stowage box:


On the right-hand side, I had to add a support for the exhaust pipe, that Dragon also missed for some inexplicable reason:


Just some plastic strip and rod, not much work but why was this not in the kit? (The bit of aluminium tube on the end of the exhaust is to blame on me, as I lost the kit part for that.)

For the vehicle's armament, I wanted two M1917A1 machine guns in addition to an M2 HB, because I've always liked the way halftracks with M1917s look in photos. I bought two sets of Master Box US machine gunner figures to get the guns, but was very disappointed with the poor details and incorrect shape of the guns. In the end, I found a detailed drawing of an M1917 and used that to modify two of the M1919A4s that come with the kit:


My converted guns at the top and in the middle, a Master Box M1917A1 at the bottom.

After doing some more bits, I sprayed everything in Mr. Aqueous H-78 Olive Drab (2):


After which I added highlights in the centres of the panels with Vallejo Model Air 71.139 US Field Drab, though I didn't take a photo after that.

From there, this model had very little work done on it for six months or more, until I picked it back up last week. I added a dark wash of thinned Army Painter Strong Tone and then drybrushed with Revell 42 Yellow Olive and 45 Light Olive before painting the tyres, tracks, seats and other details. Here is the chassis with the tracks glued on (the front wheels are loose):


I painted the rubber parts with Italeri Rubber, then added a wash of Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black, which has come out a bit glossy for some reason (not as noticeably IRL as in the photo, though), before drybrushing with a few shades of dark and medium grey from Vallejo.

And the body:


The registration number is from Archer dry transfers, applied to some leftover decal sheet from a Black Lion set, as those are printed on commercial decal paper rather than with only clear decal around the actual markings. I did it this way mostly because I don't see how I would have gotten the dry transfers onto the vehicle otherwise, with the tight areas behind the mudguards and headlights.

Unfortunately, though, there was some silvering:


This despite using Micro Set and Sol, and applying an extra coat of Sol after they dried, when I discovered the silvering. It's only visible at low angles, though, so it's not too bad, and I guess I'll just have to live with it.
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Well done Jax, guess this just shows to check your references' references.

I'm seriously contemplating this kit.

Not sure about the brand of course. Takom makes some nice looking 1/16 half tracks too, German ones are cool looking too.
Jakko and a few others take this hobby into a whole different realm of details. Way over my head. Seriously impressive!! Dedicated.

My goodness man, how do you find the time and drive!?

Excellent work.

Please continue.

Be well. Model on.

guess this just shows to check your references' references.
Like I said, at first sight the book is pretty good, and I was happy I bought it. Once I started seriously looking at the drawings and comparing them to the model, I found it didn't match all over the place. It's not just the side view, the whole body is drawn too wide as well, for example (I checked against the real dimensions, from Hunnicutt's Halftrack, and the model is spot-on while the drawings are way off). This is generally how you discover that references are not up to scratch :)

Not sure about the brand of course. Takom makes some nice looking 1/16 half tracks too
I would suspect that the 1:16 one by AHHQ is a Takom tooling. People have been positive about AHHQ's other 1:16 kits, so I guess this one will be pretty good too. But it's far too big for me, so I won't have any first-hand opinion on it :)

German ones are cool looking too.
Problem is that nearly all of the Sd.Kfz. 251s (the German counterpart to the American M2/M3) in 1:35 have problems: Tamiya's is ancient and too narrow, Dragon's is nice but too narrow, and AFV Club's is the right width but has serious fit issues with the hull top to the lower.

Jakko and a few others take this hobby into a whole different realm of details. Way over my head. Seriously impressive!! Dedicated.
Thank you, but I consider myself to be a sort of halfway decent detailer :) There are plenty of people who are a lot better at this kind of thing than I am.

how do you find the time and drive!?
Time is easy, I have plenty of that. Drive is the problem, because I usually get a little bored with things before I finish them. That's why this model was on hold for six months or so. But two weeks from now is a large model show in which I'll be helping man a stand for both days, and I want to take this halftrack with me to it. Deadlines are always good for making me finish things :)
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Very nice, in the extreme!

As mentioned elsewhere, I have an M2 in the stash, to accompany my BEEPS in North Africa.
Bookmarking this thread for sure!
Thanks for the step-by-step!
Disclaimer: I will in no way be trying, nor am I capable of emulating this level of attention to authenticity!
Fine work, Jakko! I'm on stand-by for the AHQ 1:16 kit coming in June. I hope figures are in the works, gonna need those, too.

Ruck On!
My goodness man, how do you find the time and drive!?
Jakko answered already, pretty much my opinion as well. I have several on hold just waiting for the motivation. I am having "some" success at resisting the urge to open more from the stash, try to limit myself to 5 in progress at once. But as soon as I get bored or just tired, I try to make more progress on a different one.
I'm on stand-by for the AHQ 1:16 kit coming in June.
As of 5 minutes ago, so am I.

This will be my 1st ever 1/16 kit as well as my 1st half track.

A bit large and expensive for a group build but maybe there's enough interest and time to pull it off.
Very nice, in the extreme!
Thanks :)

I have an M2 in the stash, to accompany my BEEPS in North Africa.
If you have any questions I didn't cover already, feel free to ask :)

Fine work, Jakko!
Thanks :)

I hope figures are in the works, gonna need those, too.
I thought you would be able to make your own? :) But looking at the figures coming out for the 1:16 M113, I suppose some will be on the way for the halftrack, too, before too long.

I am having "some" success at resisting the urge to open more from the stash
I told myself to finish the ones I really consider to be "in progress" (see my signature: right now, that means the 1:35 M4 (105 mm) HVSS, M2 halftrack, Piranha PWI-GR and the 1:72 B-Wing) before starting something new. That has been slightly modified: I want to take the M4 to the show unpainted, so people can see how much work has gone into that one. But I also want to be building a Dragon Panther kit there, so that one will get started before the M4 is done. I intend to finish the halftrack and hopefully the Piranha PWI before the show, though.
With some mud on it, the silvering is largely gone:


The chassis and body are glued together here, after I first did some washes and drybrushings with paint in approximately the colour of soil commonly found in the Bataan peninsula, over the chassis and lower parts of the body. I also glued on the front wheels and the section of the front armour below the grille that had broken off the other day when I was handling the body to glue bits in. Also added are the photo-etched windscreen wipers and mud flaps, but those aren't painted yet.
added are the photo-etched windscreen wipers... those aren't painted yet.
Hmm, I'm thinking you must have a really steady hand!
BTW, build looks great! ... the roller springs sooo much more convincing than the molded ones.

colour of soil commonly found in the Bataan peninsula
I've started a folder of pix from Tunisia, for precisely the same reason.
Having spent many summers on the red earth of Prince Edward Island, having walked black volcanic beaches in Bali, and sliced my way through blue/green clay in parts of the Ottawa Valley, I've seen how crazy different earth colours can be!
Sienna, Umber, being famous examples of colours named for the locales of their distinctive pigments.

Where do you get your inspiration for these 'locale specific' choices?
I didn't notice that the mud flaps and wipers weren't painted yet.
TBH, on the mud flaps it's hardly obvious because you're looking at the side that's in the shade of the body here, and the wipers are small enough that it's also hard to spot. But I think if I were to leave them like this, something wouldn't look quite right about the finished model :)

By now I've put some Mr. Aqueous Surfacer over the mud flaps as a primer, and painted the wipers olive drab straight over the bare brass. They will be out of the way so there's not much chance of the paint coming off, but the flaps are a bit more exposed to damage.

Hmm, I'm thinking you must have a really steady hand!
I wish! I used to, but in recent years I've been suffering from slight tremors in my hands that make attaching parts like these not much fun. (And also from making far more typos on a keyboard than I used to. I suspect they're related, but my GP doesn't seem to think anything is wrong.)

the roller springs sooo much more convincing than the molded ones.
Those weren't bad, so long as you only looked at them from the side ;) It's an easy enhancement — the hardest bit was cutting away the moulded-on springs without causing damage.

Where do you get your inspiration for these 'locale specific' choices?
Other than for models of vehicles used in my local area (which has dark grey clay and pale yellowish beaches and sand dunes), I research it online. Not generally by looking at photos, though I grant you that that will work fine for deserts and some other areas, but by trying to find geological reports and things. In this case, it resulted in finding a PDF titled Simplified Keys to Soil Series: Bataan published by an organisation called PhilRice, which I assume has to do with rice cultivation in the Philippines. Going by that, most of the Bataan peninsula appears to be covered in a type of soil called antipolo, of which a photograph appears on page 10. The top 40 cm or so of it looks like it's a darkish brown colour, so that's what I used on this model.
geological reports
Ha ha ha, my mind went there, then "N'ah, as if?!"
Having worked in a museum of natural sciences, I guess its not too weird to have had that thought!
Thanks for the reply!
I suppose that having Google do all the work isn't that taxing in the end...
I suppose that having Google do all the work isn't that taxing in the end...
It's still often a lot of searching, because much of what you can find in this way is aimed at people who have a ton of background knowledge about the subject and so presumably don't need to be told which colours certain types of soil have :)
Yes, and Google is still not able to devine what you really want if you don't have the exact search terms.

The old guy at the counter in my local hardware store, you can talk to, gesture at, give extraneous references, comparisons, synonyms and antonyms, and most of the time he comes back with that hardware you had no idea what it's called!

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