Let's get back to the HMS Hood shall we?
No worries, just shoveling snow while the last coat of paint cures... did I mention shoveling snow?
Oh, and shoveling more snow!
First naval ship since childhood... painting with a brush takes a while with all those nooks and crannies! Even a
toon ship!

Just using up some old Tamiya paints; looks much 'pinker' in the photo.
Topolino is giving me the 'Nanny stare'.
My grandmother was a feisty little Irish orphan who raised 4 boys and 3 girls through the Depression.
As a young woman, she trained and worked as a nurse, was a 'flapper', drove a car and roared through the Twenties!
She loved to tell stories, laugh and smoke her cigarettes, in that order, repeatedly.
Mustn't forget to put the tea on!
Living through the war in a ship-building town, and into the 1960s and 70s when I knew her, she commanded 'Water Street', knew everyone and everyone knew her. Accompanying her to pick up some groceries, I remember encountering a town wino down by the wharf.
Could've been "Johnny the Jigger" or some other character; she just looked at him, all 5 feet tall of her, and he stepped down onto the street.
The "Nanny stare" we called it: never was there a gaze so fierce, so resolute!