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  1. airdave

    Marmon-Herrington Mk I South African reconnaissance armoured car

    I thought I recognized that fuel pump! Not specifically a "military engine" Thats just a stock Ford 3ton Truck chassis (Canadian) with a Ford V8 Flathead (American). So yes, those colours would most likely have been accurate for that least until things got dirty. The sparkplug...
  2. NASP-NAM (104)_1200x798.jpg

    NASP-NAM (104)_1200x798.jpg

  3. airdave

    Thunderbirds and Angels weathering?

    Those planes are meticulously maintained and kept in pristine looking condition when flying. Even the retired ones sitting outside in the weather look good! I inspected carefully! (lol yes, I know, its a museum)
  4. NASP-NAM (127)_798x1200.jpg

    NASP-NAM (127)_798x1200.jpg

  5. airdave

    '64 Honda S600 - Tamiya

    It might look a bit out of place with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, since they only made one film "Charade". And that was set in the winter, 1960s France, and featured mostly French marque sedans. The s600 Cabriolet has appeared mainly in Japanese films of the sixties and none with Cary Grant...
  6. airdave

    I just saw this on Yahoo...A WW2 P-51 Mustang Pilot...

    with pics: Older CNN video"
  7. airdave

    Old West Models

    I offer a Stage Coach kit...?
  8. airdave

    bubbles in paint

    Shaking paint introduces air (and bubbles) into paint, thats why it is never recommended with clears. (spray bomb clear has such a small amount of paint in the can and a diffusing nozzle, that shaking isn't a problem) I would think with something as thick as testor's enamels, shaking can easily...
  9. airdave

    AMT kits, trash or stash?

    That Bulldozer is an old classic. Have no clue why they dropped the original box art tho. (I guess some people want to see the actual model) Not my thing, I built Hot Rods, but I can remember seeing this kit (w/ old box art) on shelves. Who cares how bad old AMT kits were? They're classics...
  10. airdave

    Canadian ban on Tamiya spray paints?

    Sunward Hobbies (a great online supplier of hobby materials) sent me this:
  11. airdave

    Canadian ban on Tamiya spray paints?

    I'm aware the ban discussion relates to Tamiya SPRAY paints, thats why I specifically said "...there was also a large selection of assorted Tamiya spray paints. I saw clears, primers and colours." Related: I checked out the online supplier I use, Sunward Hobbies, who are based here in southern...
  12. airdave

    Canadian ban on Tamiya spray paints?

    First time seeing this discussion and by coincidence, I visited two hobby stores on Tuesday. Stores that I have never been to before. I'm in southern Ontario (Canada). Both stores had extensive selections of Tamiya paints. I even stopped to check the prices of the bottles (in both stores)...
  13. airdave

    P-47D 1:48 Lt Augustus Hamilton

    Wow, some nice underpainting! But the green in the last two photos changes drastically. I like the darker green in photo 4 but the lighter green (#5) is not correct. Also, the underside gray did not reach that high on the fuselage. You have it above the wing, when it should align with the wing...
  14. lil ham p47 (1) detail.jpg

    lil ham p47 (1) detail.jpg

  15. airdave

    To shake, or not to shake, that is the question:

    stirred. not shaken.
  16. airdave

    Looking for a replica of the White House

    old thread I know, but... The Glencoe model appears to be the largest plastic model available. It's HO scale and when completed measures 17" x 4" x8" Only way to get something 4' across is to scratch build it. or find a model someone has built and buy it from them? - look to youtube In fact...
  17. airdave

    P-47 Thunderbolt research help

    ...of a couple of TV episodes!) He gave me this large metal pinback badge that features a sketch of him as he ended up in one of his old stunt clips*. (*Stunt - Youtube "Super Dave - Balloon Ball") Anyway, years later I created my own badge artwork (with my own face) to be a logo to be used on...
  18. sdpinback.jpg


  19. superairdave2022_600x600.jpg

