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  1. papaof2

    A Bit of Fun

    Watched John Glenn launch in 1st grade. Three classes in one room on a black and white TV with Walter Cronkite.
  2. papaof2

    A Bit of Fun

    Can't find pictures but I watched Sky King and Howdy Dooty.
  3. papaof2

    Tamiya's P47 Razorback completed- what do you think?

    Won't work on this forum, but when someone critics my work, either models, or woodworking, or other projects I reply let's go look at the one you did for comparison. Most people don't realize how tedious or difficult task are that they don't participate in. BTW your work is great.
  4. papaof2

    thinning tamiya bottle paints for airbrushing

    I use Mr Color leveling thinner 400. Mix 2 parts thinner to 1 part paint. I have had excellent results.
  5. papaof2

    Brushes for modelism

    While most will tell you to buy a name brand airbrush, and I buy the best I can get when I buy tools after I understand their usage, I bought a Neoeco SJ83 airbrush on Amazon and have had very good results. I have 5 airbrushes and have used each of them. I prefer the Neoeco. I spray primer and...
  6. papaof2

    1967 Lindberg Oldsmobile 442

    Got that kit. Going to build it to replicate the one I had when I turned 16.
  7. papaof2

    Which A10

    Decided on the Academy. BTW working on a 1/72 F22 at the moment. Never again 1/72. Just not compatible with 69 yo eyes and shaky hands. I'm pretty good with the small stuff but damn. Cockpit seat is only 1/4" wide. Only bought it after wife fell in love with one at an airshow. It was pretty...
  8. papaof2

    Which A10

    Looking at the Italeri or the Academy kit. Apparently Tamiya is not very good. Need your opinions. 1/48 scale
  9. papaof2

    Tamiya paint retarded

    Thanks urumomo for responding. I guess my real question would be if I added retarded to each new bottle when first opened would it have a negative effect when airbrushing.
  10. papaof2

    Tamiya paint retarded

    Was watching a Barbados Rex video. He recommended adding up to 10% retarded to the paint when brushing. As I brush and airbrush my models would it hurt to add 10% retarder when I open a new bottle, and would it affect airbrushing. I use Mr Color leveling thinner 50/50 when airbrushing.
  11. papaof2

    Chrome pens

    I was at Hobby Lobby the other day and looked at the Molotow pens. The cap and cartridge are indistinguishable from the Amazon pens. Maybe just a copy cat thing. They were also cheaper than the LHS, $9.99 vs $16.99. May try one at some point when mine need replacement.
  12. papaof2

    How do you pros prevent paint from running under masking tape?

    I tried the off-hand stuff from Amazon, 6 rolls 3 different widths, same problem no matter how meticulous I was in putting on and pressing down. Switched to Tamiya brand, no more issues. Under magnification Tamiya is a lot smoother, less places for paint to seep under. Also, sometimes canopies...
  13. papaof2

    International TranStar 4300 Eagle by AMT Ertl

    You must have some crazy mad skills. I could never do that.
  14. papaof2

    International TranStar 4300 Eagle by AMT Ertl

    I understand, butbdo you glue the engine together and then paint it.
  15. papaof2

    Fujimi 240Z

    My first car body with the airbrush. Put in the dehumidifier for a couple hours and the paint held up to handling very well. Had to respray rf fender where the glue for the bumper screwed it up. Just a tip, now when gluing to a painted surface ie the wipers and side mirrors I use Sig Bond. Very...
  16. papaof2

    Fujimi 240Z

  17. 9f9453b8-bc18-4254-91c8-ea36dd279a4d-1_all_451.jpg


  18. papaof2

    International TranStar 4300 Eagle by AMT Ertl

    Do you assemble the engine before painting?
  19. papaof2

    Chrome pens

    Went to LHS in search of best chrome paint. Owner suggested chrome pens. After a little discussion price quoted at $16. I'm a big fan of buying local but had to pass as I know paint pens usually don't last long once opened. A few days later was looking at Alclad on various sites and got a pop-up...
  20. papaof2

    And so it Begins…My First Build (completed)

    Very nice, I like clean unweathered.