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  1. L

    Hello from the uk.

    Well what did Edison say about not failing? Just finding a hundred ways that don’t work? Thanks for the welcome folks.
  2. L

    Hello from the uk.

    Just joined a couple of days ago. Looking for inspiration and to admire others work. Been a modeller, off and on , for probably 50 years. Christ on a bike am I that old?!! Always preferred WW2 German vehicles and armour. With the occasional foray into British and even Russian. Actually, just...
  3. L

    My 1st and only attempt at a 120mm

    To me that looks great. It’s done, it’s finished. Once you accept that we build models for ourselves, that we only have to please ourselves, it’s easy to say, “that’s good enough” and be at ease. It’s very liberating! :)