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  1. ModelManiac62

    1/25 Scale Modern Figures for Dioramas

    Yes it does help. Thanks very much!
  2. ModelManiac62

    1/25 Scale Modern Figures for Dioramas

    I just think that if there were a wide variety of 1/25 scale figures available, it would open up more opportunities to create interesting dioramas. Modelers could express themselves more. Modeling and diorama creation would be more of an art form. The possibilities could be endless with Sci-fi...
  3. ModelManiac62

    1/25 Scale Modern Figures for Dioramas

    Hi all, I have been moved by the recent events in the news lately and have been think about creating dioramas to express my views on the state of the USA as well as the world. There are plenty of 1/25 scale vehicles to use for this but I have not been able to find 1/25 scale figures that look...
  4. ModelManiac62

    Just completed my Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire- what do ya think?

    Well done. I'll bet you can do a amazing WW1 plane like a Sopwith Camel or something. The WWI planes are really interesting and are probably quite challenging to build to your level of detail. Look forward to your next build. P40, Thunderbolt?
  5. ModelManiac62

    TAMIYA KTM250MX: Hi, I'm new here.

    Very cool model. when I get the time, I will build a vintage Revell Husqvarna 400 1/18 scale kit. I bought a diecast Husky that is nearly identical. Between the two, I plan on building a very detailed model. Would you know if the rider is sold as a separate kit? Good luck with your build...
  6. ModelManiac62

    First model in 42 years. How time flies!

    Great 1st build after many years. I also got back into model buliding after many years. Close to 45 years..The internet is just tremendous resource for this and just about any hobby or any thing.. I can easily find kits that I had built when I was a kid is something that is really fun. The...
  7. ModelManiac62

    Newbie to Forum

    Thanks very much for the kind words. I got the Ma.K. / Hasegawa kit on ebay. It is 1/35 scale not the 1/20 scale like most MK kits I have seen. It is suppose to go with the Metal Slug Tank. I am working on a AF Club 3/4 ton Dodge military truck. This is a really nice kit. Struggling with the air...
  8. ModelManiac62

    Painting 1/35 & 54mm Faces with oils .

    I will strive to get this good for figures.. the Jeep is pretty nice too.
  9. ModelManiac62

    COVID - Drive thru testing

    I got laid off due to the Boeing 737MAX and the ripple effects of COVID-19 making finding a new job almost impossible at age 58. I really liked seeing your skills used to illustrate a snap shot of life in the 2020's. I would like to do something like that depicting the recent protests and...
  10. ModelManiac62

    Newbie to Forum

    Hi all, I recently got back into modeling. I got laid off and found myself with more time on my hands than I have had in the last 30 years. I used to build models like crazy when I was a kid. My mom would let me pick out a model at the grocery store ($2.00 for a Revell Willys Gasser drag racer...