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  1. smokeriderdon

    B-58. The big un

    OK, so since I mentioned this one several times and I am an attention whore LOL, here she is. This is the 1/48 Monogram kit. While a classic, and the only one in 48, its a bit of a bitsh kitty. Fit isnt great. And to do it justice you really need to get upgrade sets. Unfortunately the Lone...
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  9. smokeriderdon

    Col Olds's F-4C Phantom

    OK, back to this. Got one seat done and in, the other started.
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  11. smokeriderdon

    Revell P61, waiting for the hammer to fall

    I will be sure to load up the nose. The B-58 is done but for one decal I effed up. So I got back to the Phantom and started this. I sprayed zinc chromate green all over the interior stuff. LOL Started doing the PE on the pilots console. Sorry about the blurry pic on that one.
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  14. smokeriderdon

    Which C119 to keep?

    According to Scalemates, same kit, just reboxed by Testors.
  15. smokeriderdon

    Revell P61, waiting for the hammer to fall

    Im getting close to being done with the B-58. Hope to start this soon
  16. smokeriderdon

    Revell P61, waiting for the hammer to fall

    My bench is still clogged up with the B-58 and Phantom. Maybe I can squeeze this and the USS Excelsior in as well. LMAO :rolleyes:
  17. smokeriderdon

    Started the first summer project!

    This gentlemen is the explanation for the Molar plane. Interestingly, in a different kit, the same plane (as built) is both versions.
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  19. smokeriderdon

    Started the first summer project!

    Good luck. Picking a small scale for the first one back. LOL 72 in fighters is too small for my tastes. My last SLUF build...
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