Interesting project of one of the vehicles to be used in Gaspunkwars. 1/18 scale. Total scratchbuild.
The vehicle would have hydraulic motors in the hubs and hydraulic joints. The engine and hydraulic pumps is in the rear section of the vehicle. Driver and weapons in the front one...
In the Universe of Ma.K there is the Skinhead (Captured and altered equipment) design. Kind of cool in that although it is a Kow Yokoyama design it is one that allows considerably more interpretation then most and this is my first interpretation.
The Skinhead is a combination of two kits...
I go through boxes of sandpaper per year, all grit sizes. Very recently I was introduced to the latest offering from Mirka, by the guys at my local automotive paint finishing suppliers. It is called Abranet. Just brilliant, it's a net like material, really tough and cuts like you would...
Another favourite method I use to roughen a surface is with a diamond coated dremel type bit. They come in a good range of shapes and sizes and the really good thing is that they are very fast, don't clog up and because of the grit texture they are non directional.
Built this one initially based on a Ma.K SG Fireball kit.
The WIP can be seen here :
Very involved 1/20 scratchbuild. To be revisited as I have further ideas for it.
This beast I created pretty much as a total scratchbuild. Again in that 1/18 -1/20 scale size. The WIPs (if you are interested) are over on the Maschinenkrueger forum. This one I really enjoyed building. 100% articulated. Sod to do such but what the Hey! And yes it will feature in...
Pens from $2 stores. Brilliant. They invariably pull apart, give up some cool scratchbuilding parts and the manufacturers seem to bring out a whole new range (shapes etc) every other month. Well worth looking for.
A small team of us spread across the Globe have created a storyline and such called Gaspunkwars. Huge fun. Three year project.
Here's one of the units. Scratchbuild 1/18 scale, called Waxeye, it is a AI drone.