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  1. K

    thinning tamiya bottle paints for airbrushing

    I use Walmart brand hardware store lacquer thinner to thin Tamiya acrylics with no issues. I do agree not all lacquer thinners are alike.
  2. K

    Why why PE metal parts

    Future will remove the fogginess on clear parts from CA glue.
  3. K

    Why why PE metal parts

    I disagree. Not sure which Gorilla glue you using that says so. The Gorilla super glue in the blue cap and yellow cap with handy brush I often use does not say so on the label. Maybe certain types of Gorilla glue do say that but neither mine instructs to do on the label.
  4. K

    Hard To Find

    If scalemates doesn’t show it, it probably doesn’t exist. Unless you find a resin kit….
  5. K

    thinning tamiya bottle paints for airbrushing

    I use lacquer thinner exclusively, except on certain paint brands.
  6. K

    Acrylic v Lacquer

    I’ve used both for airbrushing. I used a wide variety of paint for airbrushing. Model Master enamels and acrylics Testors small square bottles enamels, , Tamiya, Gunze/Mr. Hobby, PollyScale,, Mission Models, Vallejo - which I’m not a fan of, and my new go-to paint brand… AK Interactive Real...
  7. K

    Tamed Panther: “Cuckoo”

    Interesting captured Tiger tank…
  8. K

    Building Kits to get away from Life Events

    I don’t build models to “escape life”…. that’s not what this hobby is about. It’s a hobby, nothing more. I’ve been doing model kits for over 50 plus years. It’s an enjoyment. I thank my grandfather whom I was very close to that saw something I wanted to do after asking my dad if he could help me...
  9. K

    ready to throw away the testors "orange tube"

    Old revived thread… I know. My two cents: I still use Testors orange tube glue My go-to liquid glues - Tamiya liquid glue and Deluxe Magic 10 second glue. IMO, I think it’s much better than Tamiya liquid glue. Gorilla glue - blue cap version. CA extra thin glue - pink cap Canopy glue for all my...
  10. K

    Too Tiny?

    Welcome to decal hell when doing decal stencils on F-4 Phantoms. But hey…this is suppose to be a relaxing hobby.
  11. K

    Tamiya, Vallejo compatibility.

    Yeah, Vallejo is a whole different animal. Doesn’t play nice with other thinners except water.