
  1. BarleyBop

    German / Italian Topolino

    Another little vehicle for the Italian collection, I may give it the Regio Esercito treatment, rather than the DAK. That be soooo tiny! I know what you're thinking: "that's not a model, why its hardly even an appetizer!" Let's see if we can't just make it tasty! Cheers
  2. BarleyBop

    Camionetta AS 42 Sahariana

    So what would you build to counter the threat of the LRDG and SAS coming and going as they please from the deep desert? ... another old one from the Italian shelf (Aug 2023), any new Italian vehicles will have to be built. Suffice it to say that I just think it is another odd, but way-cool...
  3. BarleyBop

    Honey, I shrank the tank! Bronco CV3/33

    ... just when you thought things couldn't get any smaller! Meet the 'tankette': sounds like the name a piece of women's apparel! But the Italians were serious about these, and produced many during the interwar period. Seemed like a good idea at the time I suppose... and face it, who has the...
  4. BarleyBop

    Be it ever so small - Coloniale Staff Car

    Another in my series of Italian vehicles from June 2023, the Tamiya 508CM Coloniale Staff Car! It was a fun little build, and provided yet another opportunity to over-rotate on details a more sane me might have ignored! "That's right, 2 Big Macs and a diet Coke" figures from: 'The Bodi'...
  5. BarleyBop

    Pick up that brush, repeat

    Think I'll have learned anything by the time I get through this flash mob? Either they are line dancing, or door crashing a Black Friday Sale at the hobby store! I wasn't kidding about being on an Italian binge! Okay, I can't possibly use all of them, but the experience I gain will be worth...
  6. BarleyBop

    Another Carro Armato

    Hey! My first tank, completed this fall. The Tamiya Carro Armato M13/40 As mentioned elsewhere, I've mostly been working on the WW2 softskin vehicles seen in North Africa. I have built some tracked vehicles, but this was my first full on TANK. (full disclaimer: as part of my Italian craze, I...
  7. BarleyBop

    Colonial troops

    Hey all. My main focus is vehicles from all sides used in North Africa WW2 campaigns... but for every vehicle, it seems there is a figure, or 2, or 3! Recently, I've been on an Italian kick: and I thought Brits had reputation for eccentric vehicles! This fella has helped me work on...