
  1. AKRoast

    Tamiya colors

    This is a topic both specific question and general comment on Tamiya paints. First, in general, why do they have so many colors, including some so close to each other, but fail to have US inteterior green and want you to custom mix two colors. And the result does not even look right. Compared to...
  2. AKRoast

    Tamiya M2 Bradley kit just completed

    1/32 Tamiya M2 Bradley IFV kit just completed. Might try a simple diorama for this one. Real basic kit, but fun quick build. I love rubber tracks! Just saves so much frustration and once weathered looks better in my opinion. I have a Takom Chieftain coming that is individual links that Amazon...
  3. S

    Retrowave 1983 Nissan Pulsar

    I just completed this 1983 Nissan Pulsar kit from Aoshima. Like any of these 1/24th scale automotive kits from Aoshima, they are well engineered, and relatively simple. It is a curbside kit, so the hood does not open. The interior is simple but pretty well represented. And the best part is...
  4. Chuck Beemans

    BF109 G6 Tamiya

    Finishing up the decals…they seem to be endless on this one. Then a quick dull coat and weathering. Trying to decide what to do next. Thinking of a P-51 or a Spitfire. I’ve never done an Eduard before so I’m thinking about trying that route, open to suggestions. It will be my 4th since...
  5. MilitaryModeler1991

    Good paint substitutions?

    Hey fellow Addicts! I just wanted to pick some of your experienced brains and hopefully get a answer to this quesfion thats been racking my brain for the last week or so. So there are no hobby shops in the town I live in, only craft stores and a “Lens Mill” which is just another craft store. It...
  6. Neon

    Primer and Paint Compatibility

    Good evening everyone. I couldn't sit back and watch youtube videos any longer - I finally bought my first kit (Mk. A Whippet in 1:35 by Meng) and have been working on it. I finished the build without any major issues, but now I'm setting up to paint and I'm a little unsure about a few things. I...
  7. Blackcode

    1/35 Tamiya T-55 A

    This is a T-55 A from Tamiya in 1/35 built two years ago. I wanted it very weathered ...::p. PE from ABER , MINIRAT tracks . Tamiya acrylics, AK & MIG pigments; the build and the remaining photos are here : The Build All Photos Cheers ! :cool:
  8. mcirving

    Tamiya Mclaren Senna 1/24

    This little guy had me working like a horse. Besides that my plans are to make it convertible, Tamiya did a good job of breaking it down into small parts and 50 steps on the manual to complete the process. I'm almost done, but I can say it was a very complex kit.