1:2500 Enterprise-D whit lights!


New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Hey people.

I'm pretty much new here and I thought I'd share a little build-up video I made of my Enterprise-D.

It took me a lot longer than I thought it would. My train of thought was: It's smaller than the 1:1400 scale, so less work will be needed to finish it!....Boy was I wrong!

I was actually HARDER! All those windows were small enough for #79 drill bits; which break very easily. Plus I had to wait on drilling out the windows until all the decals were placed... Making it very easy to ding and dent the nice surface finish.

Here's the Video:
1:2500 Enterprise-D Model
Man that is outstanding on a 2500 scale kit. Great work and welcome aboard.
And every kit usually takes longer to build for some reason, right? :)
Thanks everyone.

You got that right! I made a video of me drilling out one window to show my friends why the window drilling was taking so long. The video was 9 minutes long! For one window!!!
Granted the time to make one window took far less the more I drilled. I must have broke over 20 bits and made well over 500 windows.

If you're wondering why I broke so many, it's because the windows were not simple holes; they were slots. These slots took 2 to 5 holes each and then the long task of rubbing the drill bit up and down laterally on the holes to join the them, making a slot. That was where the drill would break. not due to me forcing too hard, but to fatigue. The drill would bend too much, too easily. This had to be by hand too. A Dremel tool spun too fast and my handy drill's spring collet was too large.

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