1/48 HobbyBoss F-105 Thundercheif (Thud)

No. There are many acrylic polymers. Some are soluble in some organic solvents like turpentine (which is a blend containing both ethyl and methyl alcohols, among other things.) You might have better luck switching to odorless mineral spirits.
That is on my list for testing. Thank you!

I considered linseed oil, from my time spent as a "oil painter", but I dread the idea of a 2-week dry time :)

Thanks again for offering constructive comments, some people (no names, but scroll up) are just toxic with their negativity.
This kit is a good/bad situation all the way through.

My 1st ever Hobby Boss purchase.

Casting was above average, as was fit.

Major details just missing, cockpit sides left a huge gap with nothing there, same for the intakes, just a big hole into the middle of the fuselage.

Some of the best news I've has since returning to the hobby happened with this build though. I have solved my issue with washes eating through the clear coats! That alone is worth the cost of the kit and any aggravations it caused.

But, I do think it is the last I'll ever buy from Hobby Boss, this is almost a death blow.


The stickers practically dissolved when hit with water, less than 10 seconds and this ^^^ ?

Now the question is...is the kit worth another $15-25 to find aftermarket stickers for? It is going to the closet-shelf-of-shame for now while I decide.

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