'71 'Cuda Revell and Gloss Grape build


Aug 4, 2024
This all started with the discovery of a couple of bottles Testors Gloss Grape Pearl, colors by Boyd, in the 1/2 oz, bottle. I also have a bottle of Testors "premium" Gloss Grape in the square 1/4 oz. bottle. I decided a test of plastic spoons was in order.


As you can see, there is absolutely no that difference I can see. So ended up taking this a step further. Enter the 'Cuda from my stash, which call for a purple body color.20240817_123434~2.jpg

I continued to paint on the 'Cuda body20240813_230627.jpg20240817_113940.jpg. This color is on the transparent side so it called for multiple thin coats over many days. You can see the difference as I added multiple thin coats over many days. I don't know how many coats this is so far
The work so far has taken is the entire contents of the 1/4 oz. bottle. Don't know if I want to continue with the older Grape "Pearl" or head to the LHS. Think I'll grab a couple of new "Grape" so I stay consistent.

This all started with the discovery of a couple of bottles Testors Gloss Grape Pearl, colors by Boyd, in the 1/2 oz, bottle. I also have a bottle of Testors "premium" Gloss Grape in the square 1/4 oz. bottle. I decided a test of plastic spoons was in order.

View attachment 122808

As you can see, there is absolutely no that difference I can see. So ended up taking this a step further. Enter the 'Cuda from my stash, which call for a purple body color.View attachment 122809

I continued to paint on the 'Cuda bodyView attachment 122813View attachment 122816. This color is on the transparent side so it called for multiple thin coats over many days. You can see the difference as I added multiple thin coats over many days. I don't know how many coats this is so far
Loving that colour. Pantherman
Sorry to any fans of the grape, but I wasn't plum crazy (pun intended) as to the color I put on the "Cuda. The box art shows a photo of a very dark purple body color, and the kit call out for Revell #54 Gloss Purple. (Of course it calls for a Revell color, it's a Revell kit!)

Anyway, my LHS has the biggest collection of model paints I have ever seen (I'm lucky), including the Revell paints. So I picked up one of the tiny tins and set off to overcoat the Grape. I was only experimenting with the Gloss Grape since I had several bottles left from the Testors MM days. There is nothing wrong with the color, it just didn't seem good for the 'Cuda. It looks blue here but cameras never get it right, esp. with the available light, Plus there are lots of boogers in the paint as you can see I need polish off.


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