A long time dead...


Turn it off...
Mar 28, 2011
You know how you loose touch with people you meet online...people you maybe talk to quite often and strike up quite a friendship? And then you sort of loose contact because that seems to be the way with online pals...they come and go and both of you move on to other likes and dislikes...and maybe, over time, you check out what happened to the other person-just out of curiosity... :-\

So that's what I did tonight in my aimless bumbling wander across the net-checked out someone I used to talk to on another forum a few years ago, who had one or two interests the same as me and who was as mad as a bag of jelly. But was one of the nicest people I'd met.

And he'd died a couple of months ago... ???

I've watched people go in front of me, and picked up bits of other people but there's something about not knowing a person is gone until much later that really sucks even though that person was, if truth be told, no-one to me, just a person I knew online.

How weird is that?

How strange that we care about people in another part of the world that we've never met and probably never would, but who we speak our minds to?

Sorry for rambling...I honestly don't know why I'm writing this...maybe it's a way of getting the stuff in my head out... :-\

Anyway, I don't know what to believe these days, but if you're out there somewhere GS, I hope you find peace.
Sorry to hear that Scrap. I know how it feels. We lost a member here, Gary, this past year and it was weird. I only really knew him online although we did met at a show once.

Really sorry to hear this Scrap.
Definitely sorry to hear.
Had something similar happen with a friend of mine this week. Found out third or fourth hand
you may not have met him but i think if you talk to somone on a regular basis you become friends with that person and in most cases friends are for life. its sad that he has passed, i have many friends online with running a gaming site and if we lost somone i think we all would feel the same way
Sorry to hear bout that Scrap! Nothing weird at all Buddy! I think it called compassion when you care about someone ;)...even if it's online. Your thinking about him, in the end, that's not a bad thing at all!

Take care!!
Sorry to hear that, Scrap.

Just thinking about someone and remembering, that's all it takes to honour them. No matter how small a part they played in your life, it's good you remember them.

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