AD-5/AD-5N Skyraider decals?


Black Sheep 1

I have two Matchbox AD-5/AD-5N Skyraiders and the decal sheets are shot.
I need to find some replacements.
Anyone know who makes or made AM decals for this plane in 1/48 US markings?
Only set I can find is this one by Iliad Decals here in Canada


Decals for 5 A-1H aircraft (USAF in standard SEA camouflage and VNAF aircraft in tan and red-brown over white): #39665 'Lieutenant America', 1st Special Operations Squadron, Nakhon Phanom, Royal Thai AFB; #37628 with shark mouth, 22nd Special Operations Squadron, Nakhon Phanom, Royal Thai AFB; #37552 'Spad Dad', 6th Special Operations Squadron, Da Nang, early 1969; #34609 'Bad News', 22nd Special Operations Squadron, Nakhon Phanom, Royal Thai AFB (black underside/no national insignia) and #39797 ex-USN, 83rd Special Operations Group VNAF, Ton Son Nhut AB, 1966. Includes color profiles, b/w plan views, and color notes.

I think the A-1H is the same as the AD-5 I believe.

The only other set I can find is for the AD-4N from Zotz, but they are all African nation markings.
No, the A-1H is a oner seater.
The AD-5 is a two seater and the AD-5N is a four seater (used in night ops).
But thanks for looking.
So, it seems that there's no AM decals for the AD-5/AD-5N (a.k.a. the A-1E)Skyraider, I guess I'll have to come up with my own designs.

I'll need to find some ref books with photos (on the AD-5/AD-5N) specifically.
Does anyone know of a good book with good photos?
Also, did there aircraft have nose art like the WWII fighters did?
Did they show their Bu.# on the tail?
Most of the images I've seen on the net show simple markings and that would make life easier for me.
I would only need to get some generic markings and even that set from Scott (thanks for pointing that out Scott).

I wish someone would bring this bird to 1/32 scale!
Imagine that?

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