Affordable Models


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Hey all. Sorry for so many questions but it seems every time I take one step forward another question pops into my mind.

Are all aircraft models expensive regardless of scale ? Is their a specific company that makes a less expensive model ? I dont mind paying more for a model, IF I were more skilled at it. What I would like to find is a decent manufacturer that offers the models of a cheaper price until I get more talented at this hobby. As I enhance my skills and get better at building, I could then move up with the quality of model and spend the more money for them. Being on SSDI and a fixed income, with my lack of talent in model building I just cant afford to pay $40 or more for a model.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
ive no idea what the prices of them are but Tamiya are the easiest kits to build, when youy get better move on to other brands
Michaels and Hobby Lobby both run 40% and 50% coupons weekly. You'd be able to snag a bunch of kits at around $10-$20 at Michaels. Hobby Lobby has a decent selection of Tamiya and other aircraft kits and with their coupons you an have most for $15-$30....except for the big boy F117 w/ full size Humvee they sell for 60 with coupon :) Happy Hunting Brother
You know thats exactly right and I never thought of that lol. Their is a Coupon for Michael's every week in the paper. Ill utilize that and thanks tons for bringing that to my attention. Models will be the only thing Im able to use the coupon on because their inventory for supplies is normally minimal. Thanks again.
If you have a smartphone or Internet capable phone, both stores have apps that let you see coupons or just see them on the website. Tomoro might be a halcyon day for purchase, since it's labor day weekend. You could snag the 50% off plus 20% off entire purchase and try out some chalk pastels and oil starter sets for weathering :)
I dont know where your from but it appears that my stores coupons (from what it looks like from the online weekly ad) that its 40% off any one regular price item and then an additional coupon for an additional 15% off entire purchase including sale price. So thanks again for the valuable info.
I was just guessing. The new coupons don't get sent til midnight tonight for the coming week
I just found the 50% off sale coupon online valid Tomorrow and Mon only. Thanks tons again. Im from PA, but will be traveling to Washington DC again on Monday so Ill be printing out both the Hobby Lobby and Michaels coupons and using them both on the way down and back to DC LOL. Great ventures of a trip. Can hit multiple stores during our travels lol.
wow all we have here is a robing plick and he has stores all around the county and he wouldn't give ya the dirt that blows in the door.
;D ;D ;D Thats Harsh Spud ;D

Hooterville ,check out the 'New tooled' Airfix & Revell kits ,they are very nice kits at very reasonable prices ,maybe half the price of a Tamiya kit in some cases ;)

Ive came up with this conclusion. Im competitive at EVERYTHING I do. I dont like to loose my car keys let alone a game or anything else for that matter. I like to have what I need. When I start something I dont like to stop until its finished PROPERLY. Im going to continue with what I have at the present time, building the kits I ALLREADY have.

This allows for a few things to happen. 1. I get to stock my arsenal with the proper equipment and supplies I need to do these models to the expectation I put on myself. 2. I continue air brushing with the tiny propellent air brush Ive currently got to where when I can afford to upgrade to a brand name air brush it will only be a benefit to me as Ill attempt to get better with what I have. 3. The Nascar kits I have I purchased off ebay at very little money, so if Im to ruin them or they dont come out to my expectations, its no big deal and I can continue to use them to rework and continue to enhance my talents at model building. So this is what Ive came up with. I am however like I said going to be visiting about three different stores tomorrow on my trip to Washington DC and back with 40-50% coupons for each. Three members of my family with coupons at each store for each of the three of us could actually benefit me a bit haha. Anxious to see what tomorrow holds and what I come home with.

I dont want to attempt to build any aircraft kits at the present until I can enhance my skill level. Aircraft is tricky so building the cars will benefit me in many ways. As it appears now, Im looking at sticking with Tamiya Aircraft / Military kits when I do venture to that avenue because of the fact as several people have mentioned they all but fall together.

As far as paints, I currently have a bunch of Testors paints in the 1/4 oz bottles. Im going to continue to use them until I can get my supply of paints I want to purchase bought. As it looks now, it appears Im going to stick to the Tamiya acrylics. I am a bit skeptical to these paints though now that Ive heard of the Vallejo Acrylics. Someone mentioned they need no thinning at all which sounds good because this thinning paints its kind of intimidating yet challanging. I like the idea of opening the Vallejo bottle and pouring into the cup.

What does everyone think of the Paasche air brushes ? Ive been researching air brushes all afternoon and it appears that Paasche is more of my price range. Iwata offers what appears to be named a Neo which is definately in my price range and I really like the Badger 3155 Hybrid and the 175 Crescendo. Compressor wise, it appears I may have to start out with a $70 cheapy from Harbor Freight with buying all the goodies additionally to the compressor.

Ok Im done rambling on now haha. Again any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Keep checking harbor freight for specials and coupons....I picked my 3 gallon 100 psi compressor for $50 and just scan eBay everyday because I picked up my Iwata HP-CS for $90 shipped from tcpglobal. On the flip side, Michaels sells the Badger line of airbrushes and Hobby Lobby sells Iwata and Paasche, use those40-50% coupon!

eBay will probably net you the best deal though if you're vigilant
I trek to Washington DC tomorrow and know for fact Ill be passing various Michaels, AC Moore and Hobby Lobby's so I have a coupon (Several for each store X three people haha), so Ill be hitting a few stores on the way down and back. Hoping to find something at Hobby Lobby Badger wise. I like the Velocity but am really looking at the H & D equipment as well. I want to buy right now but then again I dont haha if you understand that. I dont really have the money to buy it right now but wont pass up the right price on sale with the coupon. Harbor Freight has a nice little compressor for $69.99 but the reviews on them scare me. Cons outweigh the Pros. Will using a big compressor like that work ? Will I need additional equipment to regulate the pressures that will again acquire more costs ? Sometimes the big compressors that are louder are cheaper then the actual air brush compressors. Noise isnt a issue for me at this house. Im downstairs in the basement which you have to go outside to access through the cellar doors. While its connected to the house, even with the loud compressor I doubt you could hear it enough upstairs to effect anyone. Im also usually in the house finished for the night around my daughters bedtime so noise again wouldnt be a issue. I just want to get the best bang for the buck.
hooterville75 said:
As it looks now, it appears Im going to stick to the Tamiya acrylics. I am a bit skeptical to these paints though now that Ive heard of the Vallejo Acrylics. Someone mentioned they need no thinning at all which sounds good because this thinning paints its kind of intimidating yet challanging. I like the idea of opening the Vallejo bottle and pouring into the cup.

Tamiya paint sprays like a dream and thinning it isn't as daunting as you may think. All I do is fill the color cup about half way with thinner, then add less than half that in paint (all guesswork done by eye). It takes literally seconds to do and after a few times of doing it it comes pretty naturally.

Also, Vallejo Model Air needs no thinning as it is designed to go straight into the airbrush, but Vallejo Model Color and Panzer Aces do require thinning if you want to airbrush them, so be aware of what it is that you are buying.

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