The window "frames" are nothing more than the spaces within the inner framework cage.
Over top of the frame components, thin strips of fuselage metal are attached
to create a smooth extension of the fuselage outer skin.
These strips cover the edges of window panels that are installed from inside.
Whatever the aircraft colour, painted or bare metal, the window "framework" is exactly the same finish.
The exterior colour(s) should extend to help hide the transition to "window frames".
Ideally everything on the nose has a very close fit, leaving virtually no gaps or seams.
Behind the cockpit is truly an extension of the outer fuselage (with no seam like whats on your model).
If the model were larger, I might have used putty to mold the nose and cockpit cages into the fuselage.
Then score some very fine lines wherever needed.
At this scale, that might not even be feasible.
Obviously Airfix did not impart that kind of accuracy or fit into this model.
I do not understand those big bulging side panels just below the cockpit (and behind the nose cage).
Airfix had something in mind that doesn't fit with reality.
I believe this is supposed to simulate the modification of at least one of the "Doolittle Raiders" B-25s.
"Panchito" had some sort of removeable panel in place, probably to allow access for gear, avionics?
But it was a large flat, smooth door (with a flat frame).
It did not bulge out from the fuselage or affect the fuselage shape.
I may be wrong, but I don't believe the nose anti-glare paint was used on Pacific B-25s.
I think I've only seen it on northern B-25s and when it was used, it was very dark (most likely black).
But that's another topic.
Anyway, you've done a fine job with a not so perfect Airfix kit.
The fuselage aluminum colour looks spot on to me.
The idea of using the metal tape makes sense, even though the colour/finish doesn't match.
Once again, a by-product of the scale (frames and glass molded as one part).
1/72 is too small for my abilities, I bow to your skills.