Alligator Clips - Cheap


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Hey all. I'm sure you guys all probably already have as many alligator clips as you need but ran upon this on evilbay a week or so ago and purchased these alligator clips. There actually jumper cable leads but have the alligator clips on the ends. The Alligator clips I priced at hobby shops etc were as much for FOUR clips as this item is for 20 clips. You can do a buy it now getting 20 alligator clips for $3.88 FREE shipping from Hong Kong. Took me Ten days to receive the item after the original shipping date from Hong Kong. Utilize this item if you need clips. I just put them on the end of some kabob sticks I had and cut the kabob in half gluing the clip to the end of it.
Or go to Radio Shack/hardware store, buy the various sizes in bags you want, then sacrifice a few wire coat hangars and epoxy the ends on in various useful lengths.
Heck, Gundam I thought I found a good score lol. 20 Alligator clips for $3.88 lol. I'm thinking about buying another 20. I wasn't even aware they sold them at Radio Shack. Closest Radio Shack to me is about twenty minutes away lol. I live in the back wood sticks of Pennsylvania lol.
You still found a good deal, but you'll like the different sizes of clips available. Puls they have the tiny ones with the flat jaws. The wire coat hangars is the cheapest/best idea I had for for posts for them. Works like a charm. I use a chunk of styrofoam/florists foam for a base to stick them in.
Yea that's what I have as well. We just had to buy a new microwave here a few weeks ago so I snatched the styrofoam from that ha ha. I'm amazed at the stuff that people use for everyday use or even crafts that you can nab stuff for for scale model building. Any store we go to I'm constantly looking around the isles for anything that I could benefit from buying to use for my model building :D

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