amt/ertl uss excelsior

It's looking go thus far!!!!
I need to try some actual lighting of my kits.
About 10 years ago, I lit a Reliant.
I had just taken a small light set I got from Michael's crafts, and glued them into place. It looked good, and I had to clip, and re-attach some wires, and custom made a base for it. I gave it to a friend, BUT I would like to wire my own and use LEDs, and maybe some ccfls. But since I am not an electrician, I have an irrational fear of it. :)
dont b scared of lighting your models ive cocked a couple up and binned them. ;D
its all trial and error. you want to light a model i got most of my good advice from modelmantom on youtube excellent vids teach you all you need to no ;D
This is looking awesome! Keep up the good work. Look forward to seeing her in action. Y'know, they say she has transwarp drive. ;)
Igard said:
This is looking awesome! Keep up the good work. Look forward to seeing her in action. Y'know, they say she has transwarp drive. ;)
LOL, "and if my Grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle".
I probably botched that Quote from Scotty.
;Dfew more pics n she's nearly finished. bit of touching up to do decals bit of light leek n custom stand to finish off enjoyed this build.

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finito ;D happy with the stand not great but gettin better.
would like to b able to spend more time on improving my modeling skilz but don't seem to find the time at the moment hopefully soon though.
nearly forgot because i bought this kit as a already started kit from ebay the prior owner had already screwed up the decal sheet what's on the model is what i was able to save bummer.

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Looks great! Nice job with the lighting. Decals look fine judging from the pics you've posted. Love this ship and you've really brought it to life!

I know what you mean about getting more time to model. I started this hobby as I had alot of time on my hands. Now that I feel like I'm getting somewhere, I don't seem to have the time any more!
Looks good, and I agree with Igard about the decals. From what I can see they look fine.

You can get aftermarket decals for this. Just go to federation models and click on decals. You will find them pretty easily. (They are under JT graphics)