builder101 said:I think it look's great... I plan to do several tie's in the future and may go more light grey like this.. My fine Molds though I went with the haze grey and did not find the color to be real dark as I have read on some forum's. The detail look's good would love to compare or do a close up between this and the fine molds kit. What grey to you use if you don't mind me asking.
Awesome build!
YOULI said:This kit is definitely one of the coolest one from the AMT era. This Tie fighter is wrongly underestimated.
Good job on this one.
Did you used a Games workshop stand for it ? Any modification of any kind in your building process or is it straight from the box. Obviously you used some after-market decals...
Last question : can we consider the red buttons for the lasers are correct or would it be better to do it green or even with no color at all ?
ulvdemon said:Is this the old kit that had two TIE's?