Another killer

Double Tap

New Member
Jan 13, 2013
I know that there are members here that are afflicted with diabetes, both types, and I would like to stress the importance of daily BG finger sticks and being on top of your meds.

My wife Linda, who I have been married to for 20 years has just found out the error of her abstinence in doing those two simple things. Today she was diagnose with moderate to severe renal failure.

Come on folks, wise up! this isn't a game and is just as serious as hypertension or any other form of treatable disease. It is controllable and not all that difficult to do if you get to it early enough. Now I know that there are some that have it more seriously and really this rant isn't directed to you but to those who just cant be bothered with proper diet and finger sticks.

Its your choice, control it or have kidney failure, heart failure, amputation due to diabetic neuropathy or a host of things leading to an early grave.

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