Auto CAD 3-D max Design class !!


New Member
Dec 17, 2010
Hey Guys ,

I thought that I would share this with you. I've started My second Year in the Auto Cad program at My local Community College, it really is local .. It's right behind My house ! ;D . This stuff is Off-th-Chain !! Hopefully when I get done next year I can put this to good use !! If it was in th Armor Hobby industry .. it would be Too Cool ! Any one want to start a Company like Live Resin & make 3-D printings of WW II stuff - Guns, bags , anything you can Imagine. ???

For My Semester Project last semester We as a student had to come up with an Object & render it into a 3-D environment. Of course .... I chose a piece of German Armor, something that I had scale drawings to . So, I chose th ever Menacing Jagd-Panther ! It's one of My favorites & I used th drawings out of the Panzer Tracts 9-3 on the Jagd-Panther G1 & G2 O.K. .. enough blabbing ... Here's th Money Shot

Now ... to save time , as I was under a Real Deal Deadline , I chose to skip the Pioneer tools & a couple of other small details. The Color .... I'm not too happy with. If I had a color chip of Dunkelgelb , it would have made it a lot better, I was stuck with th palette that is in th system & even trying to mix a color it came out either too tan or yellow. I drew Everything, every little nut & bolt on th Wheels etc. In this picture you can even look up into th Barrel !

I also placed th JP just North West of Mailly la Champs ( Their proving ground) @ 3:30pm on June 17th where th 654th came into contact with th Canadians for th 1st. time ! AUTO CAD can work with Google maps etc for Time of day & placement of Objects !! :eek: So you get a real time feel of the Object in a Real environment !

I also placed over 1500 real trees & grasses into th scene & used arial & panoromic shots of the Battle field to make it more realistic !

Then where th Balkenkreuz normally goes I slipped in My AMPSCV chapter logo ! ;D

This semester finds Me adding to th JP & getting Her rolling across th field & adding Dirt , Mud , & some dusty clouds as th JP strolls into battle !!
Awsome Erik, auto cad is the bees nees alright been years since i used it,
Nice, years upon years ago I used autocad. To give you an idea of how long ago, it didn't have a 3d mode.
Really impressive!

I also used Auto CAD years ago when I worked for a civil engineers consultancy. Only touched on 3D a little bit, but it was a big step up from 2D.
Grendels said:
Nice, years upon years ago I used autocad. To give you an idea of how long ago, it didn't have a 3d mode.

Grendals ..... I remember when Auto CAD hit My Drafting Class in High School '88 ..... They had it on a Commodore 64 ! ;D Then, They were Light Years away from 3-D ... Now ....some companies - That's all They use plus Revit from Auto Desk Rox .... Architectural 3-D .. I"m taking that Next semester ( Sept. '12 )

Thanx Guys ...I"m glad that you Dig it !!

@IGARD - It works hand & hand with 3-D printers !! Like Live Resin .... I'd like to see some of that type stuff turn up for WWII ..... a laser printed Kar 98 ... STG 44 w/ I.R. gear .... Shooo , Hush your mouth !


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