B-Wing Red 7 is now back in service - FINAL Photos

Richard Baker

New to this Forum
Apr 19, 2016
It is very rare I decide to share one of my builds online- just making them for my own fun mostly.
This one I chose to make an exception on- it is still needing a couple of minor things such as adding the engine lights, a bit more weathering and decals, but when I put it on the stand last night it felt finished enough to share.

It is the SDCC Edition B-Wing. I figure there were enough people building it to match the filming model so I gave mine two additional twists.
The first is that I made it Red 7. There was some discussion a while back about how the wing stripes on the X-Wings could show numbers higher than the five the space allowed for, I thought gaping them would work so I used that on this fighter. I also though the long fuselage strip on the X-Wings would look nice on the main wing of this build so Red 7 was born.
The Second was giving it a bit of history. The SDCC has a couple of missing panels at the bottom of the main wing with exposed greebly. the stock version of the kit has an exposed panel up at the top that the SDCC version has a plug for. I liked it open so I added some mechanical bits behind it. I then started thinking- why leave these two areas open. What I came up with was that this particular fighter was damaged in it's last battle. The mechanics did not have time to do a proper repair so the power feeds the blast tore apart and just ran a couple of bypasses along the outside instead. This to me gives a reason for those missing panels and sort of embraces the feel for the Rebels doing whatever it takes to get things battle ready without having the time or materials to do it in a fancy way.

As mentioned there are still a couple of things I think still need to be done for this build but I am going to put in on the shelf for a while and just enjoy it a bit...


One of my favorite designs for sure and what a bang up sweet job youve done changing up the look but not overhauling it to rediculous ends.
This is awesome.
Spent a while finishing up the weathering on the B-Wing- I had already taken some photos to show last week but when I was uploading them I noticed some spots which needed more work..
Changes are subtle- added a few more blast marks on the other wings, added silver to the damaged areas and inside some of the chipped red paint, some scorching on leading edges, that sort of thing. I am calling this one done except for the engine bell insides- I haven't gotten batteries for the lighting yet and I am not sure which color might look best on the inside of those things yet.

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