

New Member
Feb 3, 2012
simply called Balin i picked up this little sci-fi bust at the recent model show in perth scotland.

so far i have cleaned him up and i'll be sorting out colours and other items soon.... comes in a plain black box with no artwork on the fron so i guess i have a free hand with this nazi zombie solder.

Looks like a fun little paint Jimi ,look forward to it :)

i have so far painted the helmet (although details such as "SS" insignia have still to be done) but basic shading has been completed as well as additional work on the goggles.

Cool bust, though I must say, I was lured in by your title, expecting to see the son of Fundin and the last Lord of Moria :D
the Baron said:
Cool bust, though I must say, I was lured in by your title, expecting to see the son of Fundin and the last Lord of Moria :D

Lol! The same.

Good work so far Jimi. Despite his lack of Dwarvish-ness, pretty cool.
Igard said:
the Baron said:
Cool bust, though I must say, I was lured in by your title, expecting to see the son of Fundin and the last Lord of Moria :D

Lol! The same.

Good work so far Jimi. Despite his lack of Dwarvish-ness, pretty cool.

i'm glad you guys like the work i have done so far... one question, who is this Fundin guy you are talking about.... is this a lord of the rings thing?
Yip, Lord of the Rings. I'm not sure if the Fundin character was ever explored, but Balin was the cousin of Gimli (son of Gloin) who attempted to re-claim the mines of Moria.
Wow those goggles look crazy! A wee bit of Future in there? You picked up some nice depth with that. Any any post with a LotR title always gets my attention. Balin in the house!
i've read the Hobbit and i had to force myself to finish it, needless to say i didn't bother with the lord of the rings trilogy ( can hear shout of "burn the heretic from here") in my defence i'm a great fan of Game of Thrones and i have almost finished the second book.
LOL, I was hoping Glorfindel would post here! ;D Jimi, Glorfindel was a Lord of the Rings character too.

I'm almost half way through Clash of Kings. I agree, the Hobbit was a slow book to get through, but I think it should translate to the big screen really well, and it had a great ending.

Lord of the Rings was easier to read I would say, obviously much longer, but very enjoyable throughout. I've read it 3 times.

The Silmarilion is my favourite Tolkien book. Read that 4 times.

The Hobbit, once was enough. :)

Sorry for all the off-topic. How's the bust going?
Glorfindel said:
Wow those goggles look crazy! A wee bit of Future in there? You picked up some nice depth with that. Any any post with a LotR title always gets my attention. Balin in the house!

sorry mate you can't get "Future" in the UK any more as Johnson and Johnson no longer make it. ( if anyone has an alternative that i can use and buy in the UK let me know please )

the goggles where done the old way; a heavy red mix with flesh, allowed to dry for 24 yours, the a pure dark red wash was applied and allowed to dry, followed by a black wash which focused around the perimeter of the goggles followed by a thick coating of clear gloss humbrol enamel paint, all of which was applied by brush.

i have painted the the strap that is visible that holds the goggles in place as well as using oil paints to start the "zombie flesh" on the exposed nose.... nothing worth taking a picture of as yet.

as for the lord of the rings, well i watched the first film in the cinema and fell asleep; i woke up at the end watching these to halfwits climbing a mountain and then it ended. told my friend at work about it and he laughed. he said the lord of the rings doesn't start to get interesting until half way through the second book....really wish he'd told me that before i went the pictures lol
Jimi said:
sorry mate you can't get "Future" in the UK any more as Johnson and Johnson no longer make it. ( if anyone has an alternative that i can use and buy in the UK let me know please )

The UK version used to be called 'Klear', but changed to Pledge Multi Surface Floor Wax'. It's quite hard to find, but a google shopping search shows this as the cheapest :-

I think I paid around £7.50 for mine.
Igard said:
LOL, I was hoping Glorfindel would post here! ;D Jimi, Glorfindel was a Lord of the Rings character too.

I'm almost half way through Clash of Kings. I agree, the Hobbit was a slow book to get through, but I think it should translate to the big screen really well, and it had a great ending.

Lord of the Rings was easier to read I would say, obviously much longer, but very enjoyable throughout. I've read it 3 times.

The Silmarilion is my favourite Tolkien book. Read that 4 times.

The Hobbit, once was enough. :)

Sorry for all the off-topic. How's the bust going?

Igard not only do you build great models but great minds think alike! I've read LotR and The Hobbit several times and The Silmarillion perhaps 10 times. Not to mention Children of Turin and 95% of the Tolkien appendices as well, but since I mentioned it ;D

Those goggles still amaze me. No Future, eh? Try looking for Pledge Floor Polish. In little writing it should say "with Future" beneath it. What about Model Masters Gloss Clear? That should most definitely give you the same effect.
Glorfindel said:
Igard said:
LOL, I was hoping Glorfindel would post here! ;D Jimi, Glorfindel was a Lord of the Rings character too.

I'm almost half way through Clash of Kings. I agree, the Hobbit was a slow book to get through, but I think it should translate to the big screen really well, and it had a great ending.

Lord of the Rings was easier to read I would say, obviously much longer, but very enjoyable throughout. I've read it 3 times.

The Silmarilion is my favourite Tolkien book. Read that 4 times.

The Hobbit, once was enough. :)

Sorry for all the off-topic. How's the bust going?

Igard not only do you build great models but great minds think alike! I've read LotR and The Hobbit several times and The Silmarillion perhaps 10 times. Not to mention Children of Turin and 95% of the Tolkien appendices as well, but since I mentioned it ;D

Those goggles still amaze me. No Future, eh? Try looking for Pledge Floor Polish. In little writing it should say "with Future" beneath it. What about Model Masters Gloss Clear? That should most definitely give you the same effect.

i'll have a look for that Pledge floor polish, the next time i go shopping.

at the moment i am working on the nose using oil paints so i can blend the colours and apply some washes as well but oils take forever to dry :-( so little progress has been made thus far.
If you can't find Kleer/Future, any liquid acrylic gloss will do. Tamiya makes one, I think, and most producers of paints will have a gloss coat medium in their catalog. You might even find a liquid clear acrylic at the hardware store.

Regarding "The Lord of the Rings", give it a try. It's actually a relatively fast read, despite the length, and it's a very good story. I re-read it over Christmas vacation, and I surprised myself when I realized that I read it in a week.

Bear in mind that Jackson's movies don't include all of the action, and change some details. But at its heart, it's a classic tale of a hero's quest and good vs evil, like we've been telling, ever since we first made camp fires and sat around them at the end of the day.

But to clarify the reference, it was "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria", carved on Balin's tomb.

All right, enough nerdin' it up for tonight!
ok, well getting this thread back on track, here are some more update pictures of this figure.

Nice work so far. Who needs Klear when you get results like this? The goggles look superb.

It took me ages to find a bottle of Klear when I was looking. Eventually found it in a small shop somewhere. Not easy to find at all, but certainly worth the money as it will last for years.

If I were you I'd just get it off the internet somewhere, I don't know if that ebay link I posted still has some left, but that's the cheapest you'll find I'm sure. :)