Oh man its been like 3 weeks since I've done an update!
I'm finally getting the motivation to make some headway. Sometimes it's hard to summon the motivation, man.
I started painting his body this week. I'm doing the cloth parts all with brush and Scale Color paints, which have a very nice ultra-matte finish and are very high quality paints.
The armor plates and stuff I will airbrush.
The greenstuff went on well, I was kinda lazy in smoothing it out. I'm a little concerned about the longevity of it, hopefully it won't crack or break off.
Here's some pics!
The leg joints I mentioned earlier, no bueno for a static figure.
Playing with some poses.
This is the pose I like best. In the movies, Boba Fett doesn't really do much other than stand around, posing with his gun. What a total poser! :
My process with the greenstuff. Boba Butt.
Ready to paint the body!
Early blending. The exact color of his clothing seems to vary from source to source. Some depict it as a blue-gray, and others as a light gray. I'm going with a light blue-gray!
Here's the base I'm building for him. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. I've never tried to make sand dunes, so this will be an adventure.