Battleship - The Movie


New Member
Dec 7, 2011
So, I went to see Battleship the other day. Outside of a few really, well, lets say bad scenes, the movie was pretty great. The action scenes were pretty awesome. So if your into over-budget, big action, alien ship, sci-fi movies, than this one is for you!!!

I'm hoping that somebody comes out with some figures and builds of the aliens cuz they are wicked!
I just saw it today!
That was a great movie.
I was impressed with Rihanna's performance. Not bad at all.
This one will definitely be in my BD library.

Sorry couldn't let it pass....

You know it was based upon the battleship game:

Grendels said:

Sorry couldn't let it pass....

You know it was based upon the battleship game:


Yeah, I saw that on the credits but somehow I fail to see the relationship between the game and the movie (besides the name and of course the projectiles shot by the "enemy" looked like the pegs from the game).

Still a cool movie.
It's relationship to the game is similar to the way the movies Transformers is to the original toys/storyline and G.I.Joe the movie is to the original toys/story line, aside from the name it really isn't like it at all.


just like Transformers gave rebirth to a line of long defunct toys, (same for the movie GI Joe) it is the spring board for Hasbro's real business, which is toys. Wait until the new and improved Battleship the Game, which is already in the works is released. There will be many connections to the movie in the newly designed game.

Just wait, 'Candy Land' 'Stretch Armstrong' and 'Risk' will be next. Seriously. No lie.
Ken Abrams said:
It's relationship to the game is similar to the way the movies Transformers is to the original toys/storyline and G.I.Joe the movie is to the original toys/story line, aside from the name it really isn't like it at all.


just like Transformers gave rebirth to a line of long defunct toys, (same for the movie GI Joe) it is the spring board for Hasbro's real business, which is toys. Wait until the new and improved Battleship the Game, which is already in the works is released. There will be many connections to the movie in the newly designed game.

Just wait, 'Candy Land' 'Stretch Armstrong' and 'Risk' will be next. Seriously. No lie.

I can see the connection with the Transformers comparison but Battleship? OK..... (scratching my head).

You know, as far as movie remakes and connection to toys goes, I wish they would do a remake of UFO ( the British sic-fi series ). That was a cool show.
spud said:
lol Ken ;D

Dude, I'm dead serious.

Taken from their own report:

"If it succeeds, "Battleship" will be the advance guard of a whole fleet of planned adaptations of Hasbro games including "Ouija," also being developed by Universal for release in 2013, as well as "Risk" and "Candy Land," which are both in the works at Sony Corp. "Stretch Armstrong," a movie based on the glutinous-armed toy from Hasbro, is set for 2014 release by Relativity Media."
Black Sheep 1 said:
I can see the connection with the Transformers comparison but Battleship? OK..... (scratching my head).

Like I said above

Ken Abrams said:
Wait until the new and improved Battleship the Game, which is already in the works is released. There will be many connections to the movie in the newly designed game.

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