Be it ever so small - Coloniale Staff Car


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Sep 4, 2022
Another in my series of Italian vehicles from June 2023, the Tamiya 508CM Coloniale Staff Car!
It was a fun little build, and provided yet another opportunity to over-rotate on details a more sane me might have ignored!


"That's right, 2 Big Macs and a diet Coke" figures from: 'The Bodi'

NOTE: this whole photographing and posting is both boost and bane: some things look great, but the gaffes jump out (like the decal silvering which I didn't even know was a thing until recently!!!!) remember to fix that!

For starters, (think : that recent post about what to paint?) I built the little engine, added spark plug wires and painted even though it wouldn't be visible... but I would know, and now, you do too!


Then I decided that I needed to do something about my other obsession, grills with no airflow, this was no EV!
I find that I often can scrape a grill from behind, then cut between the fins to let the engine breathe...
Did I mention that this procedure requires nerves of steel: 1mm too far and it's all over but the crying!

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... and then there's the tires (tyres to you Brits)
Now and again, I do spoil myself in the aftermarket: (I may have to pay for it in the afterlife)
Guess which are which?


Finally, What was Tamiya thinking?
Luckily, I did manage to source a replacement retracted roof...


I suppose that with good enough reference material I might have attempted a scratch-built replacement... Note to future me with stronger model chops!

Hope you all find these little vignettes somewhat interesting, perhaps even useful...
I very much enjoy the opportunity you've given me to share, and to learn!


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