I have a confession to make;
With the BSC in full swing - I've been trying to stay on track with my contest effort. I didn't want a repeat of last year when I managed to finish my main build with only a couple hours to spare to the dead-line. All this contest zeal means I've been neglecting the one-oH-nine and the skyrocket. I've been working on them, just not very actively.
Well I did manage to finish priming the Messer today. I've got mixed feelings on the resin wing tips - I think they are ok for a first effort. I got the leading / trailing edges and the joint to match nice, but the panel lines did not...I had to fill a bunch of the panel lines in and re-scribe, then I had trouble scribing with the original PS plastic, the CA and the resin all having different hardnesses. Might be my scribing tool is going dull...not sure.
Anyways, I plan to get started on the painting next week (ish).
Chris S said:
Nice work again Jason . you could make a canopy easy enough for the Messer from acetate and foil ,its all flat panels ;
Totally agree Chris, I figure I'll push my modelling envelop a little more. I hope to cut the front and back off of the kit canopy, then scratch build the centre piece. That way I can show the cockpit open. ;D
Sorry to everyone about the quality of the picture - the model is primed in light grey, and my desk lighting bleached it out.
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