Brand-new and dumb as


Jul 11, 2022
I'm glad I found this forum and hope to learn from the experienced guys.
1. To the language board of directors: feel free to correct me in a kind way. English is not my home language. Being rude won't help, i get rebellious.
2. Although I do work on other hobbies with my hands, like knife making and woordwork, I'm new to plastic. So lots of questions might come.
3. The first one. I see lots of thingies and paints etc. When buying acrylic paint. Do i need a primer on the plastic?
4. Do i really need tape as a beginner or is it def for us as primarily and what sizes would you recommend buying.
And lastly. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I'd recommend using a primer on polystyrene , preferably an alkyd like Rustoleum' 2X series or a " lacquer acrylic " like those sold as automotive primers as they incorporate solvents that produce a much better bond to the plastic .
Tamiya makes a great rattle-can primer but it's become far too expensive IMO .

Not sure what you're asking about tape .
If you mean for masking , I recommend the Tamiya yellow masking tape -- made in plenty of widths for what you'll need .
There will be similar tape sold in art-supply / drafting supply stores .
You can also use the low-tack painter's tape sold in hardware stores .
Welcome to the Herd, WD! I look forward to seeing what you build.

Best regards,
I'm glad I found this forum and hope to learn from the experienced guys.
1. To the language board of directors: feel free to correct me in a kind way. English is not my home language. Being rude won't help, i get rebellious.
2. Although I do work on other hobbies with my hands, like knife making and woordwork, I'm new to plastic. So lots of questions might come.
3. The first one. I see lots of thingies and paints etc. When buying acrylic paint. Do i need a primer on the plastic?
4. Do i really need tape as a beginner or is it def for us as primarily and what sizes would you recommend buying.
And lastly. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Hi, you picked a great place for help and support. I'm new to the hobby and joined about 6 months ago. Absolutely loving it. It takes a while to build up a set of tools, brushes, paints and other bits but I bought cheap to start with and replaced the things I use most with mid priced stuff. As I improve i will buy some expensive bit's maybe. The main thing is to have fun. Welcome.
You should also invest in some putty if you intend to fill seams between parts for that "realistic" look. There are filler putties and epoxy putties. The filler fills narrow seams while epoxy putty adds strength and is great for those who enjoy scratch bashing or building. Tamiya has a nice grey tube filler putty that is excellent. It's lacquer based so dries fast.
There are also water based filler putties like Perfect Plastic Putty which cleans up easily.
The best epoxy putty I've ever used is AVES Apoxy Sculpt which comes in two A and B jars for mixing.
I'm sure others modellers here have their own favorite putties though so I would invite them to offer their own input.
I'd recommend using a primer on polystyrene , preferably an alkyd like Rustoleum' 2X series or a " lacquer acrylic " like those sold as automotive primers as they incorporate solvents that produce a much better bond to the plastic .
Tamiya makes a great rattle-can primer but it's become far too expensive IMO .

Not sure what you're asking about tape .
If you mean for masking , I recommend the Tamiya yellow masking tape -- made in plenty of widths for what you'll need .
There will be similar tape sold in art-supply / drafting supply stores .
You can also use the low-tack painter's tape sold in hardware stores .
Urumomo, thanks for that. Very helpful. I found Rust-oleum at the builders shop. And i have lots of what i call general masking tape. I'll start off with that and then decide what my more detailed needs are along the way. Easy to cut smaller strips from them so I'll go that way.
You should also invest in some putty if you intend to fill seams between parts for that "realistic" look. There are filler putties and epoxy putties. The filler fills narrow seams while epoxy putty adds strength and is great for those who enjoy scratch bashing or building. Tamiya has a nice grey tube filler putty that is excellent. It's lacquer based so dries fast.
There are also water based filler putties like Perfect Plastic Putty which cleans up easily.
The best epoxy putty I've ever used is AVES Apoxy Sculpt which comes in two A and B jars for mixing.
I'm sure others modellers here have their own favorite putties though so I would invite them to offer their own input.
Apprexiated. Will definitely get myself some. Haven't actually seen someone use it on youtupbe but sure makes sense.
Hi, you picked a great place for help and support. I'm new to the hobby and joined about 6 months ago. Absolutely loving it. It takes a while to build up a set of tools, brushes, paints and other bits but I bought cheap to start with and replaced the things I use most with mid priced stuff. As I improve i will buy some expensive bit's maybe. The main thing is to have fun. Welcome.
Oh my goodness. You opened a can of worms. Went to the paint conversion charts. I'd have to win the lotto first. I guess It will then be better to perhaps focus either on US or German or allied forces as a starting point before expanding?
Any suggestions on which group you guys think will be best to approach with minimum color schemes? As well as any recommendations for a tank model to start with? I'm still in the investigating phase but have the tools already planned and owned. Now to pick a model and paint. Perhaps the acrylic line to start up with?
Oh my goodness. You opened a can of worms. Went to the paint conversion charts. I'd have to win the lotto first. I guess It will then be better to perhaps focus either on US or German or allied forces as a starting point before expanding?
Any suggestions on which group you guys think will be best to approach with minimum color schemes? As well as any recommendations for a tank model to start with? I'm still in the investigating phase but have the tools already planned and owned. Now to pick a model and paint. Perhaps the acrylic line to start up with?
I am probably not the best person to give advice but I found the tamiya panther a really good cheap tank for a beginner. I used vallejo paint and made a fairly decent job i think. I posted pics in "my second build" if you want to look.
I am probably not the best person to give advice but I found the tamiya panther a really good cheap tank for a beginner. I used vallejo paint and made a fairly decent job i think. I posted pics in "my second build" if you want to look.
I like what you did. Let me look around. We have limited resources to buy supplies from.
I am probably not the best person to give advice but I found the tamiya panther a really good cheap tank for a beginner. I used vallejo paint and made a fairly decent job i think. I posted pics in "my second build" if you want to look.
Hi. Decided against a tank and start with an wwii spitfire as it seems less intimidating as the larger tanks. If i mess up it's also not such a big loss. Then bought a RAF paint kit to go with it hoping to build up on paints from there.
I appreciate the support guys!
Hi. Decided against a tank and start with an wwii spitfire as it seems less intimidating as the larger tanks. If i mess up it's also not such a big loss. Then bought a RAF paint kit to go with it hoping to build up on paints from there.
I appreciate the support guys!
Post some pictures as you progress and enjoy it.

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