Can't Escape It


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Nothing chaps my ass more than to find a persons instruction videos that I enjoy and they seem to be very instructive and then blamo blooey I start up one I haven't watched and have to hear, "first before I start I'd like to say Black Lives Matter" Yep that's just what I was tuning in to hear on a flipping figure painting video. Give me a flipping break, We are blasted with this crap every day and I'm sick of politics and thought I found an escape with this hobby. Well now my best source of video instruction is no longer allowed to grace the screen of my computer and I don't care which way the politics lean, I don't want to hear them in an instruction video for the hobby I enjoy. Preach to someone else, somewhere else. This is my rant I am not starting a political thread, just a rant about a youtube video.
Nothing chaps my ass more than to find a persons instruction videos that I enjoy and they seem to be very instructive and then blamo blooey I start up one I haven't watched and have to hear, "first before I start I'd like to say Black Lives Matter" Yep that's just what I was tuning in to hear on a flipping figure painting video.
Virtue signaling and pandering is lame. At the same time, I have a YT channel which is mostly modeling videos, but I also do videos on social and political stuff. I get people demanding I not speak on such issues, but I nobody is forcing them to watch those videos. None of them can ever pose any counterarguments, but produce only strawman attacks and demands my silence. Their supposition is that since most of my content is modeling-related, my channel must therefore be a modeling channel. Never said that. 13 years ago I started out mostly doing video game-related videos and videos of travel around Japan. If I'd called it "Greg's Modeling Channel" or something then that would establish the expectation that it's a modeling channel. I never did that, but people will get worked up and start dictating what I can or cannot do with my channel, which is not a business and I view it as just an extension of myself. I generally don't start soapboxing in a modeling video. I may crack a joke about SJWs or I might have a podcast playing in the background while I'm working on something, but I'm not going to stop listening to something just because I start recording. What kills me is when people purposely click on the content they know they'll disagree with ( since they apparently are incapable of filtering), and they go on a tantrum demanding my silence and tell me how they're going to unsubscribe (as if that's going to hurt my feelings).

I don't know what channel you're talking about, so I don't know if it is a channel the guy has set about to broadcast that it is a channel dedicated to figure-painting or modeling in general, or if it's just some guy who happens to make such videos. Does he call his channel "Bob's Ultimate Figure Painting Master Guru Guy Channel" (his level is over 9,000!)? Or maybe he calls himself Super Bob and uploads snowboarding videos, leaf blower repairs, and also does videos on Warhammer figures while he talks out his ass? If it's the former, then yes, it's out of place. If it's the latter, no big deal.

Basically I side with your sentiment, but I also side with the guy's right to say whatever is on his mind. I'd also side with you politely pointing out to him that BLM's funding is ran by ActBlue which just turned around and funneled all the money to the DNC and that woman who just bought four fancy houses in white neighborhoods, and gave nothing to actually improve the lives of disadvantaged black people. Explain how fighting racism with more racism just divides the country further, and donating to a money laundering scheme that only benefits rich phonies isn't going to solve anything. If you're polite and respectfully disagree with him and he lacks the intellectual honesty to consider your points and then turns around and blocks you, then the guy's a jerk. Judging by what you said, I'm guessing that coming from someone who spouts empty platitudes, that is the likely scenario and the only way he'll change his mind is if his home gets burned to the ground.
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Yes anyone can say what they want on their channel and I can stop watching and never watch again because of it. It was a figure painting video on a figure painting channel. If a person wants to put politics in something labeled for figure painting they should place a disclaimer at the start. That is utter crap in my book. But hey that person lost a potential repeat viewer. I'm sure the twit doesn't mind though.
Yes anyone can say what they want on their channel and I can stop watching and never watch again because of it. It was a figure painting video on a figure painting channel. If a person wants to put politics in something labeled for figure painting they should place a disclaimer at the start. That is utter crap in my book. But hey that person lost a potential repeat viewer. I'm sure the twit doesn't mind though.
I agree. It's sort of like how Rickrollilng was a big thing on YouTube 10+ years ago. The irony is that people like that fancy themselves as "the resistance" when in reality there is nothing they say that is not suppressed, censored, or condemned by Big Tech, Big Pharma, transnational banking cartels, worldwide mega corporations, Hollywood, major sports franchises, the corporate-controlled media, nor the educational establishment. They can spout absurd platitudes of "white people are evil" and they have nothing to fear for any reprocussions of losing their job or being censored because major businesses from Nabisco to Bank of America are behind them all the way. They never stop to ponder the irony of why their anti-capitalist drivel fueled by class warfare is completely endorsed by mega corporations. The mindless mob thinks that being "woke" means believing whatever the mainstream media tells them. Meanwhile, I was permanently banned from Twitter because I dared suggest that people should be allowed to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They determined that to be "platform manipulation and spam."

The way I see it, politics-as-usual is merely an "us vs. them" issue. But that's not what I am addressing. What we're dealing with is a dangerous, violent front based on a complete ignorance of statistics that is burning down cities and killing people for the financial benefit of phony hypocrites. People endorsing this ideology of mayhem and destruction deserve to be challenged. Killing black people and/or destroying their businesses in the name of "Black Lives Matter" is hypocritical, and I imagine this guy doesn't even know anything about that. If there was a "save the whales" campaign that ended up killing more whales than whaling ships, I'd challenge that too. Heck, I cried a little seeing Officer David Dorn's widow give a speech on how her compassionate husband was murdered by that terrorist group. Black lives matter, except for Officer Dorn's life, apparently.

If I was in your position and the channel is a source of useful information, I'd skip past that part and watch the rest of the video, but I'd still respectfully challenge his position. After all, he's the host of the channel and I'm his guest. If he gets nasty, then he's the jerk; not me. Speaking from my experience, I welcome differing opinions if they are capable of phrasing their positions intelligently instead of denigrating me and using strawman tactics. Unfortunately that rarely ever happens.
Aw, c'mon man, you know he only did this to show his new girl friend he's got game and maybe get some trim without working that hard for it.

I've cut as much out of it out of my life and influences as I can get to without resorting to real mayhem.
This includes family members.
Is it petty? I don't think so.
You have to stand for something.
They never ask the question 'what's next'?
I asked that question and sleep like a kitten.
I'm wondering if he has received considerable back lash yet?
There are more of us, than they realize.
Nothing chaps my ass more than to find a persons instruction videos that I enjoy and they seem to be very instructive and then blamo blooey I start up one I haven't watched and have to hear, "first before I start I'd like to say Black Lives Matter" Yep that's just what I was tuning in to hear on a flipping figure painting video. Give me a flipping break, We are blasted with this crap every day and I'm sick of politics and thought I found an escape with this hobby. Well now my best source of video instruction is no longer allowed to grace the screen of my computer and I don't care which way the politics lean, I don't want to hear them in an instruction video for the hobby I enjoy. Preach to someone else, somewhere else. This is my rant I am not starting a political thread, just a rant about a youtube video.
All lives matter is "h8" speech now that the world has turned upside down. What's happening is "never let a crisis go to waste". Political violence is a part of many countries election cycles but was only slightly smudged out in the US after the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. It's back and it's our fault. Having realized in the early 1970's that Marxism was a complete and utter failure, the Extreme Left regrouped, changed surface features in the script and began to replace The Proletariat with The Marginalized/Minorities. Now the target is no longer the destruction of The Bourgeoisie and it's Capitalistic economic structure...the target is White Supremacy and The Patriarchy. So you have these mindless drones on the Left (counterparts to the mindless drones on the Right) who just accept anything being fed to them by their media tit of choice and they just don't realize that BLACK LIVES MATTER is a political front for these neo-Marxists who do not respect private property, the rule of law, the Bill of Rights or the traditional family (traditional as in it's not ok for one parent to leave...I'm not talking about homosexuality I don't care about that.)
BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY MEAN JUST THAT. Tell that Youtuber the no lives matter until all lives matter and stop helping this violent Revolution and read a book. I say fu*k your slogan and fu*k your fort.
Aw, c'mon man, you know he only did this to show his new girl friend he's got game and maybe get some trim without working that hard for it.

I've cut as much out of it out of my life and influences as I can get to without resorting to real mayhem.
This includes family members.
Is it petty? I don't think so.
You have to stand for something.
They never ask the question 'what's next'?
I asked that question and sleep like a kitten.
I'm wondering if he has received considerable back lash yet?
There are more of us, than they realize.
Yep lost friends and family associations as well over this crap going on. I doubt there has been any backlash I have no youtube membership to post comments there I just watch videos for instruction. I had watched a couple that were politic free and I enjoyed the dry sense of humor but now that I know the person is a Karen I am not interested in giving any more hits to her videos.
I agree. It's sort of like how Rickrollilng was a big thing on YouTube 10+ years ago. The irony is that people like that fancy themselves as "the resistance" when in reality there is nothing they say that is not suppressed, censored, or condemned by Big Tech, Big Pharma, transnational banking cartels, worldwide mega corporations, Hollywood, major sports franchises, the corporate-controlled media, nor the educational establishment. They can spout absurd platitudes of "white people are evil" and they have nothing to fear for any reprocussions of losing their job or being censored because major businesses from Nabisco to Bank of America are behind them all the way. They never stop to ponder the irony of why their anti-capitalist drivel fueled by class warfare is completely endorsed by mega corporations. The mindless mob thinks that being "woke" means believing whatever the mainstream media tells them. Meanwhile, I was permanently banned from Twitter because I dared suggest that people should be allowed to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They determined that to be "platform manipulation and spam."

The way I see it, politics-as-usual is merely an "us vs. them" issue. But that's not what I am addressing. What we're dealing with is a dangerous, violent front based on a complete ignorance of statistics that is burning down cities and killing people for the financial benefit of phony hypocrites. People endorsing this ideology of mayhem and destruction deserve to be challenged. Killing black people and/or destroying their businesses in the name of "Black Lives Matter" is hypocritical, and I imagine this guy doesn't even know anything about that. If there was a "save the whales" campaign that ended up killing more whales than whaling ships, I'd challenge that too. Heck, I cried a little seeing Officer David Dorn's widow give a speech on how her compassionate husband was murdered by that terrorist group. Black lives matter, except for Officer Dorn's life, apparently.

If I was in your position and the channel is a source of useful information, I'd skip past that part and watch the rest of the video, but I'd still respectfully challenge his position. After all, he's the host of the channel and I'm his guest. If he gets nasty, then he's the jerk; not me. Speaking from my experience, I welcome differing opinions if they are capable of phrasing their positions intelligently instead of denigrating me and using strawman tactics. Unfortunately that rarely ever happens.
Nope I'll pass on giving the Karen anymore video hits. Like I said originally I'm not interested in any politics in an instructional video and will turn them off immediately, no matter which way they lean. Put it on a politic channel and label it political, don't just ambush people with it that aren't looking for it. Screw her and her videos.

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