Changing Primers


Active Member
Aug 27, 2024
With having to prime everything before painting i was using a can of tamiya primer per build. Thats adds another 16 bucks to the build. I tried to find a 6 or 12 pack discount but with demand on high, noone will budge on price. 4 cans of primer costs me $70. Today i decided it was time for a change.

I got this at walmart for $6 a can so thats about 3 cans of this compared to one can of tamiya. Plus this is a much larger can. Lets hope it works as good.

Thats what I use. I have white, gray, and black rustoleum primer. I like them a lot
Good choice .
Been addicted to that 2X forever .

I've commented prior in other threads about Tamiya Surface Primer being great stuff but the price has become insane .
I have one can left from a bunch I bought years back and won't be buying any more of the stuff .

When you're finished spraying that Rustoleum immediately pull the spray cap off , invert it and fill it with turpentine .
Wick the turp thru the spray nozzle with a paper towel until it flows out completely clear .
You can use min spirits but I found turp is more aggressive and works better .
The key is to clean it out immediately every time .
Acetone will work also
That's something I never do is clean my rattle can tips. :eek:
Maybe I should start doing that.
i have lots of extras, a save all of them as there are diff styles. I use acetone.

Something else acetone is great for. When you use one of the construction foam cans for sealing gaps around the house but dont use all of it, we used to have to toss the remainder in the trash. But i discovered as soon as you are done using it, put the nozzle and straw in acitone, it will almost evaporate before your eyes. You dont have to dip it just spray acetone on it, and dont forget the nozzle stem on the can, spray that too. Just like new for reuse. :)

But once it cures your screwed, acetone wont work on cured foam.

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