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Re: Classic MPC C-3PO and R2-D2 uber detail build

Today I finished putting all the body greebles where they belong (except the sides and the arm compartment). 

I also fixed he middle leg support structure and teh middle leg itself. I began by taking apart the support structure and sanding down the sides that had the guide pins.  I positioned each of those side walls back onto the front and back wall supports about 5mm out further from the original guide holes and glued them.

Now while I let the support dry, I began working on the middle leg.  Cutting a thick peice of styrene to about the size I needed, I then used my dremal to cut the existing support pins off and cut a groove the same size thru the upper leg.  Then I attached the styrene strip and glued it in place. 

Viola... or so I thought.  I test fitted the new support pin in the base and the styrene strip was the right length, but the original design took into account the width of the leg support and used it to help guide the leg without any side to side wobble. 

So I added a couple of pieces of styrene on the front side of the leg to give it the width of the support structure hole and to help give more support and it worked...

That's when I discovered, low and behold, I glued the entire support structure together wrong.  I had to pull it all apart and reglue it back into place.  Its not easy since there isn't much difference to go by and if you're not paying attention you end up having to pull it apart and gluing it back together again.  Well now that it's all back together, the middle leg glides back up into the body completely with the side canisters on the leg with no problems.

Finally, my buddy Bryan found some good screen caps of R2's inner arm compartment from Jedi.  They are dark and look like they've got some wires and stuff in there.  I don't know how much little greebles I'll be able to put in there with the grabber arm and still be able to close it, but I was looking at the chromed "greeble" section that comes with the kit. 

Since I'm not going to use this piece I figured I would cut off a few pieces from it (since the greebles look pretty cool on it anyway) and put a few of them into the arm compartment.  One of the "oxygen tanks" looks like it would be a good fit.  Maybe the snaking wire/pipe looking part.  Not alot of room to work with.  but I cut off one of the tanks and it seems to fit rather nicely.  Will look even better after I paint it.

That's all for now.  Lemme know what you all think... am still trying to get this light circuit working thou... that'll probably be the last step I take.
