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Re: Classic MPC C-3PO and R2-D2 uber detail build


I totally agree... when I was a kid I built an R2 and a 3PO and made a big display box of the desert with sand dunes in it and a little escape pod painted on the background... I was thrilled with these kits when they first came out and had immense joy building them... and now as an adult an after years of model building under my belt I keep seeing little details that I can't believe I missed (and still do thanks Zombie).  But I am finding that building them today, is just as fun as building them back then.  The two kits I have are totally different castings.  The first one didn't come with decals, it came with stickers.  I have them here in the box.  The second kit I'm using for parts has decals.


MPC was brilliant in a way that they made these kits appeal to a large audience.  Detailed enough for kids to enjoy building and undetailed enough for us hardcore OCDers to want to fix and make screen accurate.  Back when I first built these there was hardly any reference pics to go by.  The only way to see any real detail was go back and see the movie in the theater several times (and bring a notebook with ya).  Then came the movie trading cards.  I musta spend hundreds of dollars on those cards and even thou they weren't high res, they still provided more detail that could be used.  I remember using them extensively on building my falcon and snow speeder kits as a boy.  Especially the falcon for the paint scheme! 


Now I'm just reminiscing... those were the days when after building we'd fly them around our rooms staging galactic battles of our own and imagination ran rampant.  I miss those times! :)
