

New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Micro Set and Micro Sol

Do you use this stuff sparingly or use alot of it ? In modeling I know this is my first kit but Decals are going to be the death of me. Im using what I consider a great amount of Microset and Microsol and Im still getting wrinkles and a yellowish, whitish film after it all drys.

Is this right or am I doing something wrong ?

Im brushing some microset on where the decal will be applied.
Putting the decal in water for 60 seconds.
Applying decal
Brushing another layer of Microset on the decal after applied to the model.
Letting sit for a minute or two and lightly blotting the decal with a moist paper towell.
Waiting another minute and putting a layer of Microsol on
To be honest I only use the 'Sol' part . I put the decals in place with water only ,when dry I apply a good coat of Sol ,leave to dry ..job done . What decals are you using ? ...are they old ? ..not all decals react well to the Micro set /sol . Are you putting a gloss clear coat on before the decals ?

The decls are older because these kits were purchased off ebay cheap. I painted the model, sprayed a coat of future on it left it dry, then started putting the decals on. Now four hours later I finally have the one side of the car done. Spilled half the bottle of Microset because Im a dumba$$ and didnt tighten the cap before I picked it up. This is my very first model so Im going to finish the decals and have the finished product, set it in the box and put away for keeps sake. Hopefully the next one is a bit better. Ill try your method of just using water for the decals and then hitting them all with a good coat of microsol.
You generally just need the one solution. Let the decals soak a couple minutes. Maybe put a drop of water on the model so the decals move easier. Slide them on the model. Dab then dry. Light coat of decal soultion. Let them dry for a hour or so. If you have a wrinkle still hit with the solution again. Let it dry. Gloss coat or flat coat. Done.


Micro-Sol is stonger than Micro-Set. You use Set when you have good behaving decals. You use set if the decals have to go around corners or lumps and bumps. Both get applied after the decal is in place. Sometimes you don't need any solution. What you are doing is causing the decals to wrinkle by too much solution.

The yellow is the decal film. Old decals yellow. You can use sunlight to bleach them whiter before you apply them by taping them in a window for a few days. You can also trim the extra decal fil from the edge of the graphics.
Oh, the directions said apply Micro Set, soak the decal for a minute, apply, apply another coat of micro set, dab dry with moist paper towell, apply micro sol. So what your saying I should do is put water where the decal should set on the model. Soak the decal for a couple minutes, apply decal continue applying decals till finished, then hit with a coat of micro sol. Use the Micro set only if the decal goes around corners, bumps or lumps, and only apply micro set ONE time before applying the decal.

When using Micro Sol, apply one layer over EVERY decal after ALL decals are applied to the model ?

When applying the decals, should I be soaking in warm or cold water ?

When putting old decals in sunlight. How long before I apply the decals should I let in direct sunlight ?

Thanks for the info all.
hooterville75 said:
When applying the decals, should I be soaking in warm or cold water ?

Use warm water; check any instructions, too, that might be printed on the back of the sheet, or that might be included with the kit or that might come with decals, if you buy an aftermarket set. I nuke my water in the microwave for 3 minutes on high, then let it cool until I can dip my fingertip in it and not feel like I'm scalding.

hooterville75 said:
When putting old decals in sunlight. How long before I apply the decals should I let in direct sunlight ?

It depends on the decals, and the trick will not always work. I've tried this with old Aurora decals, for example, and it didn't work, the discolored carrier file and white markings remained discolored. On the other hand, I set an old Airfix decal sheet in the sun for a day, and they were like new.

I buy a lot of old kits, too--I'm a nostalgia builder--and I'll offer you this advice. I've found that most of the decals from the kits I've bought are so old that they're useless, and that in the meantime, many of the subjects have since been issued by aftermarket decal printers. It's been worth it to replace the decals in almost every old kit I've built.

Also, if you want to use a decal setting solution, I know that some people use white vinegar--acetic acid--as a cost-effective alternative. Apparently acetic acid is an active ingredient in commercially prepared decal setting solutions. I have not tried this, however, I use MicroSet, when a decal won't snuggle down into details on its own.

Hope that helps!

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