Diluting the paint

Plastic Pilot

May 25, 2024
Diluting the paint, is fairly easy... not!

I have some extensive experience with miniature painting and I can "nail" the dilution level of the paint each time, but now I found out that Vallejo Model Color paints don't "behave" like the Game Color rage.

I tried to figure out what the water/paint ratio will be for each paint job, but I don't quite get it, for the Game Color depending on the stage of the paint job I usually do a 1 paint/ 2 water for base coat and 1/1 for the first layer... and when it is needed 2 paint / 1 water. The thing is that if I use the same ratio is not the same, neither for the dilution level, neither for the saturation of the color I'm using. Because the saturation changes if the paint is more diluted or not. And when brush painting, I usually do: a primer / base coat / 2 consecutive layers of paint, and after that the rest.

So I'm kinda stuck with a loop of trail and error procedure here, I searched on the net to find out how to do it right but didn't have much luck.

So please kind sires, can you tell me how you dilute the paint for brush painting with Game Color range of paint, and if you will, share with us your method with other types and ranges of paint and how do you do it, I know just measure the right amount of paint and water with a eyedropper and it is done, but something dose not work for me, and I don't know what it is. I mix the paints very well and measure both water and paint, so there has to be something wrong.

Thank you, and wish you all a nice evening.
I don't usually thin Vallejo paint (whether Model Color or Game Color) at all — I just put some paint onto a palette and use it straight. Only if I think it's too thick for what I'm doing, like when I need to paint thin lines etc., do I add some water. But I always just do that on the fly, until the paint looks/feels thin enough.
Diluting the paint, is fairly easy... not!

I have some extensive experience with miniature painting and I can "nail" the dilution level of the paint each time, but now I found out that Vallejo Model Color paints don't "behave" like the Game Color rage.

I tried to figure out what the water/paint ratio will be for each paint job, but I don't quite get it, for the Game Color depending on the stage of the paint job I usually do a 1 paint/ 2 water for base coat and 1/1 for the first layer... and when it is needed 2 paint / 1 water. The thing is that if I use the same ratio is not the same, neither for the dilution level, neither for the saturation of the color I'm using. Because the saturation changes if the paint is more diluted or not. And when brush painting, I usually do: a primer / base coat / 2 consecutive layers of paint, and after that the rest.

So I'm kinda stuck with a loop of trail and error procedure here, I searched on the net to find out how to do it right but didn't have much luck.

So please kind sires, can you tell me how you dilute the paint for brush painting with Game Color range of paint, and if you will, share with us your method with other types and ranges of paint and how do you do it, I know just measure the right amount of paint and water with a eyedropper and it is done, but something dose not work for me, and I don't know what it is. I mix the paints very well and measure both water and paint, so there has to be something wrong.

Thank you, and wish you all a nice evening.
I use Vallejo for almost everything and have found that it can be different consistency paint even in the same range so I usually put it in a pallet and add water until I get the consistency I want.

The only Vallejo paints I have found that can be used straight out of the bottle is the Air range. Pantherman
Thank you for your answers, I'm more a methodical guy so I try to use the same process with all the paints all the time, but I guess I'll have to adapt to new paints and sort it out somehow.

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