

New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Does DreamKnight still exist ? He is how I became aware of this forum from watching his videos when I originally got into this hobby. I love his work and his videos as they are very informative. I haven't seen him post anything on here I believe since I started coming here. I did notice he did a video since Les moved in with him. He always mentions to contact him with any questions, I tried to contact him but had no response.

Hoping everything is ok with him. He seems like a great guy with a lot of interest in helping the new guy get started. I value his knowledge and would just like to introduce myself to him and at least say Hi and Thank You for all his videos he has done. So if anyone speaks with him on a personal level ask him to please drop me a personal message so I can get in contact with him and just touch base.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, HV, you can go to the Members list and find any member, then look at his profile to see when he was last active. In his case, it was early in August. You can shoot a private message off to any member or an email, through the forum.

Hope that helps!
Yea man. I actually messaged him on you tube a few weeks to a month ago and have heard nothing from him. I know he was probably busy with Les moving in with him and getting that move finished but haven't heard a word from him. Just wanted to touch base with him and say Hello etc. Nothing big just haven't seen or heard anything from him. Ive learned some very valuable information from watching his videos on you tube.

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