Duct - Blower Fan - Spray Booth


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Hey all. While spending some time with my father earlier this afternoon while he was moving some stuff around in his bottom garage, he was getting ready to throw some stuff away. I noticed this older blower motor that he was going to throw away. I got it and plugged it in and sure enough it still worked. Its a basic blower motor. Throws some pretty good air around. My question is this. The exhaust on the blower motor, is in rectangular in shape, when mounted is about 13 or 14 inches wide, and about two or three 1.5 - 2 inches deep. How would I be able to rig it up that I could hook it to a standard 4" dryer duct to shoot out the window ? I'm confused as to how I would get the 4" dryer duct attached to it with its odd shape where the exhaust goes out the bottom of the blower motor. I know you guys will probably want a photo of it but I'm unprepared and don't have any but will get some tomorrow if you need to see a photo of it. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide if you understand my mumble jumble lol.
from the top of my head


That looks almost identical to what Ill need. Is that a custom made piece or a standard adapter ? Where did you get that ? My blower motor is probably about 25-30 years old but hey it still works so if its not broke don't fix it right lol. I seen my Dad getting ready to chuck that yesterday and I about had a fit after I got past the excitement that I just found a blower motor for a spray booth lol. I even found a stand I believe that will work that hes going to chuck as well. All I have to do it put the blower motor on, insert a filter and Im ready to rock n roll.
its home depot stuff
look at the link i left just under the pic
Black Sheep 1 said:
Can you post a picture of the blower motor you have?

Again excuse the size of the photo as its the only method I have capable of taking photos and putting them online currently with my phone.

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Dang that is old!!

you might have found a life friend old stuff like that never dies!!! unlike new product
Neo, do you think this fan will be ok for running a spray booth ? Wish I could determine how many CFM's it is but I cant find anything on it saying how many it is. Any idea as to how I would mount this bad boy ?
Did you watch my video A New Project?

Yes Sir I sure did!!!! I've sent you a personal message to your inbox in regards to the fans selection. I kinda feel the same way you do about the fans as there is no way I do enough painting to even worry about potentially setting a fire. I mean it does weigh in the back of my mind but with my designing of the booth I'm trying to take everything that everyone is telling me into consideration in regards to keeping the booth as safe as I can if going to be using this type of muffin or axial fan. What I don't get it that a lot of people are using bathroom fans with the lighting kit and all. Bathroom fans had to be made with the intent of hair spray fumes etc going through the fans at some point as well as other fumes etc. So they have to have some type of "explosion proof" technology built into them. Being a brushless axial fan I feel safe enough using this type of fan.

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