Enterprise D


New Member
Dec 5, 2012
I'm gonna break from my aircraft and do some sci fi for a bit. I'm on bit of an Enterprise kick. I have them all coming except for the E. But the AMT 1:1400 D was the first to arrive, so we'll play with that one for awhile. :)
I wont be lighting it so lot's of painting. Yayyy ;). Pics to follow.
Started primering. Love the green primer. ::) Don't ask. Anyway. compared to the 1:350 refit, this is a pretty simple build judging by the parts.
Painted the saucer section. Going with a blueish grey. Kind of a happy medium between the Duck egg blue and the light grey the instructions call for.
Ran into a minor setback. I masked around the phaser emitter ring. Painted the ring and when I went to remove the tape, it took the paint and primer with it down to the clear plastic. For what ever reason the Vellejo primer didn't bond to the plastic. Fortunately I was able to respray the effected areas and blanked out the emitter ring for respraying. This time I will clear coat the saucer first before I do any further painting. I've been using Krylon flat camouflage paint for primer without issue on other models so I will primer the rest of the ship with it.
I have never used the Vallejo primer, but I started moving away from Krylon paints as well as other spray can paints for this reason. They will either not bond to the plastic well, or I just cannot get consistent results out of them. The only spray can primer I still use is the Tamiya primer. I have never had problems with it.

Keep up the good work, interested in seeing where you go with it. I build up this model 15 years ago, and I love to see other builds of it.
Clear coat worked and got the emitter ring repainted. On ward and up ward. :D
I've started applying the aztec decals to the saucer section. Let me just say that these are no where near as good as Polar Lights for the 350 refit. The AMT aztec's are thin an really fragile. I realize age my play a part. But still. ::)
Completed the aztecing the top of the saucer. Now for the second layer. Once that's done, I'll clear coat it and do the bottom side. Then I can start building the rest of the ship. :D
Been working pretty steadily on this the last few days. Thank god for Spotify. Anyway, the saucer section is completed and clear coated. Only issue I had was with the bottom side windows. Could not get my art marker to work on the clear coating so I had to paint them with a brush. ehh ::). So now I'm working on gap filling the battle bridge of the engineering hull. Painted the Bussard collectors and the warp field grills. Used clear colors so I can stick foil behind them for a glow effect. And I got the deflector dish painted.

She's looking very good, but that main deflector should be blue, not the red you have her
It's not red it's actually orange brown. ;)
Pretty close


lobo734 said:
Good work on the aztec. I'm not brave enough to try them yet.

Aztecing isn't nearly has hard as I thought it would be. I did the refit 1:350 and I think that had 4 sheets of aztec. You just have to cut them into smaller pieces when they're large and use micro set and micro sol. Piece of cake. The AMT's you just have to make sure they are fully activated as they are a little thinner then Polar Lights' aztecs.
Completed the D last night and I've already started the 1:1000 Enterprise A. :)

I did get the two decals on the left Nacelle put on.


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