Face painting with oils ,walk through ...any interest?

Chris S

Its a bit like being handcuffed to a lunatic !
Feb 14, 2011
Hi fella's
As the title suggests ,Im thinking of starting a walk through guide as to how I paint my faces using oil paints . I dont by any means consider myself an expert on the subject ,but some people may find it of use to improve their figures a little.
It will be a complete guide from start to finish and I would be happy to have anybody take part and have a go at the same time posting their progress on the thread so we can discuss how they are getting on and point out any mistakes, problems etc .
Like I said ,Im no expert ,but Im happy to pass on what I learnt over the years .
If you're interested just let me know here ,and we'll get under way next week :)

Certainly, that works for me, never painted with oils, (other than washes) and not done figures beyond 72nd and 48th pilots, and they get the most basic seeing to with a hairy implement.
I would love to do some larger4 figures so a big YES from me.
Great idea Chris................i`ll be tagging along but don`t you go getting any crazy ideas about talking me into starting busts and stuff like that......got enough to finish at the mo...LOL!!!!
Purely here out of curiosity ;)!!

Ya never know Boots ,someday you might want to put a figure or two with your Rods ;)

(((lol))) Think you're right Quaralane !! The things ya get yourself into ::)

Righto ,So it looks like a few are interested so I'll get this underway next week ,probably Wed/Thurs .
Having talked to Scott about it ,it will be posted in the SMAU section ,and please remember if you want to join in feel free ,I'd be very happy to have some of you paint a figure or bust along with me :)

Thanks .

No problem Panzerman ...the more the merrier ;D

If it is after the contest, I will hunt up a figure to paint, otherwise I will just watch and try it later.
Hi Grendels, Thanks for the interest buddy , I was planning getting under way this week sometime, but I'd be happy to work along with you too ,when you're ready ;)

Thanks for the offer Chris, I might take you up on it! I have been watching quite a few videos on YouTube as of late.
Hi fella's ,
Just to let anyone who's interested know I have now started this thread in the SMAU section .


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