Quaralane said:
Thanks Q,....told you I'd eventually get some paint on her
JohnSimmons said:
No,....the perfect Falcon is on one of your threads ;D
Hagoth said:
Han would be proud of your "Special modifications". ;D Profile lines looking good. 8)
Thanks Hagoth,....it's taken a long time
Jimi said:
so what's the big deal about the falcon's mandibles...what's wrong with them?
Oh,....well there were debates years ago,.....& grown men fighting & stuff.
The nice guys from FineMolds took some measurements from the 32 filming model (or perhaps the Master Replicas model,....dont know),....but they got some of those measurements wrong,....& with a ship like the Falcon if you get one measurement wrong it throws everything off,....look at the MPC kit & its overall thickness,....get that wrong then the sidewalls look to tall etc
The dimensions that FM got wrong are,.....the height of the ship is too flat,....the docking rings are too proud & doesnt have enough taper,....(because the height of he ship is too shallow)....the cockpit tube is in the wrong position,...the cockpit cone is too long,....the dish is too small,...the jawbox is too wide & because of that the mandibles dont toe in
Other than that,...the kit is very, very nicely detailed,...& builds up to a cracker model
My mods only fix the jaw & the mandibles,....& I've shortened the cockpit tube
Back when all this was an argument,...it was very hard to illustrate what the inaccuracies where,.....but only recently,...in the past couple of years there has been more official blueprints of the 32" & guys like Maruska over on Replica Prop Forum who have made 3D schematics using photomatching & new measurements from the Master Replicas Falcon.
I'll post some comparisons soon