Friday Night Lights


Demolitions Expert
Mar 5, 2012
So what's everyone up to tonight ? For the bretheren across the pond, what did you already do ?

I plan on working on some projects on the bench, have a few cold Guinness, and enjoy the AC ( It's 1800 and still over 95 degrees )

So how about it folks?
Currently just finishing assembly on a Trumpter BTR-50PK, and the RoG Wiesel 2 Ozelot, both are ready to head to the paint booth.

As far as liquid libations, a couple of fine brews from the Muskoka Beer company in Ontario, their Summer Weiss, and Legendary Spring Oddity, with a chaser of Gibson's 12yr old CDN whiskey for good measure!

Big model club BBQ tomorrow night, and I am sure a few more liquid libations will be consumed in the process!
been working on the base for my Ketzer to get that done, watched 5mins of the Olympics and that was boring, Ill be more interested in the actual Events.

I Dont Drink, Not anymore so all ive had tonight was some ice cream and strawberry's :)
Sounds awesome, down here in the south my choice of beer is slim. Nothing to do really, I will however be marinating 12 pounds of ribs to be smoked and eaten tomoro :) nothing like a beastly oil drum charcoal grill to make delicious meats. I can't drink the hard stuff much anymore after my fraternity days
I'm working.
Until the end of September, I'll be putting in 12-14 hours a day on the job. :'(
But the O/T money will go to buy that 1/32 B-17 from HK Models (if and when they release it).
Did lawn work and after an Ubu Ale and some pizza, I'm watching the opening ceremonies with the kids who love watching the Olympics...
I remembered being enamored with the 96' Olympics while on holiday in Old Orchard,Maine as as kid. Our satellite is acting up so I'm stuck watching SNL reruns on Netflix with the wife and dogs
Watched the Utah Blaze of the Arena Football League beat the San Antonio Talons to get their first ever playoff victory.

Sadly, I had to watch on TV.
Dinner with my parents and sister at a new Ukrainian restaurant in town, Iron Maiden on their Maiden England tour, and to top the night off, we caught the post-concert Capital Ex fireworks as we were walking out of Rexall Place. Awesome night!
A friend of mine has a pub, and they were celebrating their 7th anniversary. Free Guinness and a live Irish rock band. I drank a bit too much and paid for it this morning...
Mmmm... in the other side of the pond (I like that expression)...

My Friday night...

Everyone was watchin the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies...

... so as I don´t like "TV" I went to te porch, sat alone (fortunately everything was quiet) and washed down a couple of good cold beers... I set a very soft volume in my fav radio station listening some oldies... then I went to bed and continued reading "The Prince" (N. Machiavelli).

Today´s another history... 8) We have grilled outside two really fresh (2-pound each) sea basses and washed down more beer & wine ...

Cheers guys

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